Silly Scarecrows

20081029_scarecrow.jpgCarrie’s preschool had their Halloween parade today, and they all got to make scarecrow costumes for it. Last year they made pumpkin costumes, but I think these are way cleverer. There’s even a construction paper crow on their hats!

Unfortunately, my camera battery died right after this picture, which was the first picture I took. It’s been taking fewer and fewer pictures before needing to be recharged, and this time it was 34 pictures from fully charged to completely dead. So right after school we had to go buy a new camera battery. Because I can take 34 pictures before the kids blink twice, and then it takes hours to recharge the battery. The camera (and therefore the battery) is almost five years old, so as rechargeable batteries go that’s a decently long life.

But really, did it have to die during the parade?!?

Four Years Old!

Dear Carolyn,

I’ve been pretty edgy and tense lately, and I think it’s because I was dreading today. I felt like my baby would be gone, and I’d be left with a big girl I hardly recognized…only, when you woke up this morning, you were still, well, you.


We had a fabulous day today. You started out with school, and had a little birthday party there, with chocolate pudding and a special story that I got to read (you picked Farmer Brown Shears His Sheep again – that was what you picked last year. I guess you like it!) After school we went to Wendy’s for lunch with your friend Joey, and then we went to Build-a-Bear, where you made a monkey…named “Potato”. Finally, we came home and Daddy and I made you a ham dinner (your request) and we had a pumpkin roll instead of a cake (don’t worry, the pink alligator cake is still on the menu for your party next weekend!) You got to open gifts, including the My Little Pony Teapot Palace you wanted so badly, and then you went to bed. Really, it was a wonderful, super day.


This past week I went through and read all the monthly letters I’d written to you up until now. It amazes me how much you’ve grown and changed. And it also amazes me how much I’ve grown and changed. I had no idea what being a mom really meant until you arrived, and although I still sometimes find parenting challenging, being your mom? That’s easy. Because no matter what, I love you.


Love, Mommy

Field Trip

Carrie had a field trip for school today. It was in the same place as last year, although this year the weather was much, much nicer. They also did some different activities this year – I’m not sure if it was because the kids were bigger or because the weather was nicer – including some neat tube slides that were built into a hill and a very tall slide that they rode down on old feed bags. She definitely had a great time, and came home with a cute little pumpkin.


Carrie holding a baby chick.

3.11 Years Old!

Dear Carolyn,

One month left of year three…I’ve been telling people you’re “almost four” for so long now that in my head you’re already four. Actually, in my head I suspect you’re a lot older than that even. I keep worrying that I’ve missed giving you certain opportunities (piano lessons and sports teams) and then I realize that you still have years and years ahead of you to try out whatever you’re interested in before you have to settle down and figure out what you want to be when you grow up. (For the record, you’re pretty stuck on “firefighter” right now.)


So for the past few weeks, my “why” girl seems to have been replaced by a lightbulb. You are so full of “whats” lately – usually following any explanation I give you when you’ve asked “why”, first. I’m beginning to think you need your hearing checked!


And filed under “cute right now, but could potentially become obnoxious”, you’ve started stomping your foot and saying “no!” when you’re unhappy about whatever I’ve just said. I do have to struggle not to laugh at it, because pretty much immediately after you’ll become cooperative…you obviously want to please us, but you also want a bit more control over your life than you currently have. It’s a tough thing, kiddo. I still sometimes want to stomp my foot and say “no!” to life.


The other day I was struck by how very grown up you’ve become. It was after dance class, and we had to meet Daddy at the shop to get a few things done. You were wearing your purple sparkly leotard and a pair of purple sweat pants – you looked like a professional dancer. Daddy and I were both busy, and then after a bit I went to see what you were up to, and I found you – my shy-around-strangers girl – sitting right at the table with everyone who was there for Sit & Knit and knitting a few stitches on someone’s scarf (with her help, of course!) I think that’s why in my head you’re so much older. You’ve become so self-confident and out-going that you just seem like you can’t possibly still be three. So I’m going to remind myself every morning to enjoy this last month of you being three, because all too soon you’re going to be all grown up!

Love, Mommy

Silly Sayings

The other night before bed, I asked Carrie for a good night kiss:
Carrie: OK, but let’s have a marrying kiss!
Me: A marrying kiss? What’s that?
Carrie: You know, you have a marrying kiss and then you live happily ever after.
…Do you think maybe I’ve let her watch one too many Disney movies?

I have a coffee mug with characters from just about every animated Disney movie made, including Sleeping Beauty. Carrie really wants to watch Sleeping Beauty (and actually it’s been on my Netflix queue for a while but it’s not currently available). So at breakfast a few days ago she saw Sleeping Beauty on my mug and asked again if she could watch it:
Me: Oh, I don’t know… Daddy, do you think Carrie’s old enough for Sleeping Beauty?
Denis: I’m not sure…
Carrie: I am too old enough to watch it! I mean, look at me!
Yep, 3 going on 13.

Overheard at the dinner table:
“I normally like my bread two ways: with butter…and sometimes, without.”

Prima Ballerina

Carolyn loves dance. So instead of signing her up for session after session at the YMCA like we did last year, we decided to send her to a low-key dance studio for the year – it works out pretty much the same in terms of cost, and if the regular dance classes are anywhere near as good as the camp they ran over the summer, she’s going to learn a great deal more than she did at the Y last year.


Her Great-Gramie picked up a couple of new dance outfits for her – Carrie was definitely the sparkliest, purplest ballerina in her class!


First Day of School

Today was Carolyn’s first official day of preschool for the year!


She looks so much older than last year!

The morning went surprisingly smoothly, despite Anna having a diaper blowout moments before we were all going to walk out the door. We even got to the school with enough time to spare that I could get Anna out of the carseat and into a sling. (I hate carrying that bucket seat around!) After we said goodbye (and I chased Carolyn down for a kiss, she had already run off to play with the other kids) Anna and I headed to the parent “reception”, where we met a few potential new friends – exciting! This year, because I could tell Carrie was happy and excited, I wasn’t at all sad about leaving her there. Next year, when she gets on the bus…well, I’ll just have to have some tissues in my pocket, I’m sure!

Carolyn loved her first day. She was just a tiny bit sad because she really loved her teachers last year, but she’s already made a couple of new friends and I think it helped that the routine is pretty much the same as last year.

It was surprising to me that Carolyn’s not the only not quite four year old in her class – until I found out that half of her class is going to go to the public school’s pre-k program next year instead of on to kindergarten. I’m not being judgmental – every parent has to decide what’s best for their own child – but it’s puzzling to me how many people hold their fall birthday kids back a year. (The cutoff around here is currently 12/1, although there’s been talk – for years – about that getting pushed back.) It’s going to make Carrie by far the youngest in her class in kindergarten. Oh, well, I’m sure she’ll do fine anyway!

My Little Giraffe

Today Carolyn got to meet the teachers for her 4-year-old preschool class. She’s on the Giraffe Team this year. We’ve had a few bouts of tears about wanting to be back on the Frog Team because she’s still only 3, but I think she’ll get over that pretty quickly. Well, at least I hope she will, since it doesn’t appear that many of her friends from last year are going to be in her class this year…

Shrek Addict

Despite the fact that there’s some questionable language and crude humor, I let Carrie watch all three Shrek movies over the holiday weekend. Don’t ask me why, it just seemed like a good idea at the time! Her favorite character, of course, is Donkey. And she was literally shrieking with laughter over some of the bits in Shrek 3 with the baby ogres. I don’t know if I should be amused or embarrassed that she thinks burping and passing gas is so hysterical…