Ten Carries

I asked Carrie a few times this morning how many doggies she had, and she counted to two each time. So I was beginning to think she might be starting to “get” counting as more than just reciting numbers. Then we had this exchange:

Me: Carrie, how many Mommys do you have?
Carrie: One…two!
Me: Two?!? That’s silly, you only have one Mommy! How many Daddys do you have?
Carrie: One…two!
Me: Two?!? That’s silly, you only have one Daddy! How many Uncle Michaels do you have?
Carrie: One…two…three!
Me: Nooooo, there’s only one Uncle Michael! Carrie, how many Carries are there?
Carrie: One…two…three…four…five…six…seven…eight…nine…ten!
Me: Ten Carries, huh? That explains why Mommy’s always so tired from chasing you!

I guess she’s not quite ready for calculus…

“I Dressed Myself Today”

I swear I had absolutely nothing to do with this outfit. She picked it out. She put it on (with a tiny bit of help). The only thing I did was take off the skirt for a few minutes and take in the waist a good two inches – it’s an 18 month size but I bet it would fit a three-year-old. The impressive thing is that, while the stripes are hard to look at, they actually do match! I had forgotten she even had this skirt because it was so big when I bought it that it got shoved into the way back of the drawer, so I can assure you I didn’t match the yarn colors to it on purpose!

It’s been a rough morning so far. My normally even-tempered toddler (as even-tempered as a toddler can be, anyway) seems to have been replaced with Grumperina. Considering she woke up nearly two hours early, I imagine she’s still tired. Heck, I’m tired and grumpy too, but I’ve had 29 more years to practice hiding it, so I can’t really hold it against her.

And if wearing a very stripey outfit makes her less grumpy for a few minutes, so be it!


I bet I have the only toddler in the whole wide world who, every morning, asks “nail, feet?” while pointing to where I keep the nail clippers and sticking her toes in front my face so I can clip her nails. Now if only she’d do that with her hands…

When Carrie said Murphy’s name correctly today I briefly contemplated officially changing his name to “Mercy” just so I could hear her call him that for a little while longer.

As adorable as it is to hear Carrie sing “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” to herself, it’s way more adorable to hear her sing it while helping a teddy bear touch his head, shoulders, knees and toes.

Nineteen Months Old!

Dear Carolyn,

What a month! We’ve officially entered the “no” phase. I ask you a question, and your automatic response is “no!” The thing is, you say it in this really cute, matter-of-fact, tiny little voice, and it’s so hard not to laugh.

OK, fine, I’ll admit it. I generally do laugh. It’s a better option than getting angry, and when you’ve said “no!” to every single thing we have to do to get ready to go somewhere in the morning and we’re running an hour late because of it, laughter is really the only option.

20060503_ponytail.jpgYou’ve actually made quite a huge improvement in your language skills over this past month, not even counting your very clear “no”. You’ve picked up so many animal signs from the new set of Signing Time DVDs we got you last month I can’t even keep track of them. You know more of them than I do! You sing your ABCs – and can recognize most of the written capital letters – and count to 10. You love the song “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” and will start singing it randomly when you want to hear it. You’ve also started doing what I call litanies. You might be nursing before bed, and you’ll say “mama milk, daddy milk, molly milk, mercy (murphy) milk…” and keep on going with all the names you can think of at the moment. (It’s really funny when you throw Uncle Michael into one of those litanies, because most of the time you call him “mucka-my”.) You do this with all sorts of phrases, like “mama sleep” or “molly eat” too, not just milk. I suppose those count as two word sentences.

Sometime in the past month you also started full-out running. You run with sound effects – I can’t describe the sound you make while you run, but you do it every time. Someday I need to catch it on video. If you could spend every waking minute outdoors on swings and slides, and running around, you would. Your biggest tantrums are the result of me having to drag you indoors because it’s started pouring or we need to go run errands.

20060523_doll_stroller.jpgSomehow, despite your love of the outdoors, you’ve also become quite the TV addict. Your favorite shows are Blue’s Clues, Signing Time, and Go Baby. I suppose they’re all pretty harmless, and I try to limit you to a half-hour of TV a day, though there are days when you get your way and get to watch twice that much TV. You also love to watch baseball, and will bring Daddy the remote after dinner and ask “bay-bah? bay-bah?” The other day you pointed to one of the players on the screen and said “Daddy hat?” because he was wearing the same baseball cap that Daddy always wears. You’re a pretty smart kid.

When you’re not outdoors or in front of the TV (which is thankfully in a different room than all your toys) you occupy yourself with blocks, dolls and puzzles. And books! We’re even starting to read some longer picture books lately, although you do love your lift-the-flap and touchy-feely books still.

I have to admit, between the “no, no, no”s and the fact that I spend so much time chasing you down to try to get anywhere or do anything with you, this month has been pretty challenging. But at the same time it’s been a blast since you’re starting to communicate so much better and we can actually have little conversations that aren’t totally one-sided anymore. I suspect that the challenging part of things is going to get worse before it gets better, but that everything you’re learning how to do is going to far outweigh that. I’m already seeing glimpses of the little girl you’re becoming, and although I know you’ve still got a long time as a toddler I also know how fast time has gone so far, and I’m not going to wish away one second – even the challenging ones.

Love, Mommy


I could hardly believe it when Carrie started filling words in for me while we read our bedtime stories earlier. I’m sure it’s just that she’s memorized the books we read frequently, not that she’s reading them. But I do think she can recognize the word “Dog”. I suppose this shouldn’t be so surprising to me, since about 90% of her books have the word “Dog” in them at least once. In fact, her current favorite book at bedtime is Sleepy Dog: “Turn on the moon. Turn off the light. Sleepy, sleepy, sweet dreams tonight.”

It’s not like I’m pressuring her to do anything with letters or reading. She just starts randomly reciting the alphabet (when she’s not counting her toes) and points to letters and says their names. I’m assuming that someday she’ll acknowledge the existence of “M” and “N”. She recognizes the written letters and will say their names, but when we say the alphabet her version goes something like “J”, “K”, “L”, “O”, “O”, “O”, “P”. I guess it’s similar to the “ella-mennow” thing, maybe she thinks it’s “L and O, O”. And as far as I can tell, she recognizes finger-spelled letters at least as accurately as written letters. Which is much better than I can do!

18 month well-baby visit

Vital stats:
18 months, 3 days old
21 lbs. 13 oz.
33″ tall

Carrie only gained 4 ounces from three months ago, although there didn’t seem to be too much of a concern over that – she’s still tracking along the 25th percentile curve for weight and around the 80th for height. This explains why all of the pants that fit her waist are more like capris, and the pants that are long enough fall down over her teeny-tiny rear. I should have such problems.

Only two shots today, which weren’t too traumatic. Carrie was pretty much mollified with a sticker and a cup of animal crackers. Oh, and the nurse got a good look in Carrie’s mouth, and that fourth 15-month molar is finally coming in (which explains the last couple of wakeful nights). So now Carrie has 11 teeth – we’re more than halfway there! (Right? A full set of baby teeth is 20, isn’t it?)

We were “warned” not to push Carrie too quickly with her letters and numbers when we mentioned that she’s starting to recognize and say them. Um, I have no problem not pushing her – in fact, until a couple of weeks ago I had no idea she even knew what letters and numbers were. I certainly haven’t done anything to force that knowledge into her head. Since she does seem to be interested now, I’m giving her opportunities to count and I bought a magnetic letter set so she could play with that while I’m doing stuff in the kitchen – but it’s not like I’m planning on drilling her on letters and numbers for hours every day!

Eighteen Months Old!

Dear Carolyn,

Today you are 18 months old! We celebrated by going to your last session of Babies Love Books at the library. As of today all of our scheduled activities are over for the summer, with the notable exception of playgroup.


This morning you absolutely shocked me by picking up your letter “D” alphabet block, pointing to the letter, and saying and signing the letter “D”. Then I showed you “A”, “B” and “C”, and you named those as well. I stopped there, because I’m a little frightened. Aren’t you too young to start recognizing your letters?!? You’re starting to really get good at counting as well, and will often count your toes when you’re barefoot. Sometimes you end up with 6 toes on a foot, but I think it’s just because you can’t wait to get to “8, 9, 10!” I have to admit, I haven’t kept very good track of what new signs you know this month, but you’re starting to try to sign the letters and numbers, and we just got the next set of Signing Time DVDs with all kinds of animals on them so I bet you’ll learn a lot over the next few weeks. I can think of 100 words you say now – I know there are some I couldn’t remember when I wrote them all down though, so there’s probably quite a few more. I can’t believe that just three months ago you barely said three words.

Now that the weather is warmer, we’ve been going outside and playing with chalk and bubbles, and swinging on your swing – it’s very cute when you say “wheeee!” every time I push the swing. The funniest thing in the world to you is when we’re on the deck with the bubbles and the dogs, and Molly jumps up on her hind legs and snaps at the bubbles. You love being outside so much that when I have to take the dogs out and it’s raining, and I leave you indoors, you cry like your little heart is broken in two. I think I’m going to have to get you rain boots and a slicker so you can go out and play in the puddles.

“No!” has become a rather frequently used word in your vocabulary. Sometimes you get in a mood where you’ll say “no” to everything, even things that you want. Luckily, it’s still cute. We’ll see how cute it still is in a few months!

You really want to do everything yourself now. You point to your chest and say “tee” – which is your name for yourself apparently – when you want to do it instead of letting me. So far you can get your pants on most of the way, your shirt on with a little guidance, and your socks on pretty much on your own. You blow your nose – and toss the used tissue! – and wash your face on your own, and you get a turn at brushing your teeth and hair after I do it. And if it’s bath night, you can feed yourself an entire container of yogurt!
I love hearing you wake up every day. You almost immediately start calling for “Moddy” and “Mercy”, and you talk to your dolls and laugh at whatever they say back to you. You’re always so happy to see me when I come to get you each morning, and your smile brightens up my morning too!

Love, Mommy

Have Mercy

Carrie’s spoken vocabulary has taken off at an amazing rate. At last count she had over 70 words, but that was over a week ago and I’d guess she’s up to more than 100 now. Some of her more recent additions are “no!”, accompanied by furious head-shaking and – and I can hardly believe this myself but it’s been repeated and witnessed several times – she counts to ten. Well, mostly. She refuses to believe in the existence of the number 7. This is extra amusing because this evening at the bookstore I was looking through board books about numbers so I could encourage this new-found interest and the first one I picked up was misprinted and went 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 8, 9, 10. I was tempted to buy it anyway.

But the cutest, most adorable thing in her entire vocabulary is how Carrie says the dogs’ names. Specifically, how she says Murphy’s name. If you click on the picture below it should take you to a quicktime clip (638 KB) of Carrie saying the dogs’ names.


The other morning after Carrie woke up but before I went in to get her, Murphy barked at something. The next thing I heard over the monitor was “Mercy, Mercy, Mercy! Uh-oh! Mercy!” I hope I never forget that, that when I’m old and senile I can still remember that sweet little voice calling out for Murphy.

The Triplets

Somewhere in her first couple of months of life, Carrie acquired three pink rag dolls as gifts from various people. We call them the triplets – despite the fact that they are all different – and Carrie needs to be tucked in with the three of them and two binkies every night.

This is an all-too-common sight that greets me when I go in to get her in the morning:


I find it oddly creepy. Usually they’re actually sticking up so their heads are over the top rail of the crib, and sometimes one or more of them are facing the wall. It just looks like they’re being punished for something. I’m sure from a toddler point of view it’s nothing more than a larger version of a put-it-in/take-it-out game!

Things I’ve Forgotten To Blog About

Carrie started doing a few new things during our trip. Friday night she managed to completely take her shirt off with no assistance whatsoever. During dinner, no less.

I also noticed that she started saying/signing two word sentences that didn’t involve “more”. She said/signed things like “doll sleep.” or “daddy car. mommy car. me car.”

Oh, and she has a new word for binky: “beeeeeeeeeeeeee!”