Where Is Baby’s Belly Button?

Dear Carolyn,

Today you shocked me with two startling new developments. First, you will now blow your nose on cue. It may be a small thing, but when a nose runs as much as yours does it’s a pleasant alternative to fighting you to wipe it.

Second of all, I’ve discovered that you know the locations of a dozen different body parts. Today you found your nose, eyes, ears, mouth, teeth, tongue, hair, hands, fingers, feet, toes and belly button. Elbows and knees still stump you, though. Considering that I never actually intentionally taught you these things it astounds me that you’ve figured them out anyhow.

What else do you know that you’re not sharing?!?

Love, Mommy

Fourteen Months Old!

Dear Carolyn,

This last month has brought so many little changes it’s hard to know where to begin. You are turning into a regular little monkey. Not only are you able to climb onto the dining room chairs, but from there you can actually climb up onto the dining room table. I really think we should buy you a helmet. Or a padded bubble!


You now shake your head “no”. When I ask “can Mommy have a kiss?” you shake your head no. Although occasionally you do give kisses: the big, open-mouth slobbery kind, right on the lips. In fact, just this morning you gave Murphy a hug (the dog has the patience of a saint) and then gave him a kiss on his muzzle. I wished I had the camera – it was simultaneously the cutest and yuckiest thing I’ve ever witnessed. And it must have tasted funny to kiss his fur like that because you kept touching your tongue afterwards.

20051209_say_cheese.jpgYour new signs this month are “eat”, “baby”, “down”, “duck”, “daddy”, “cat”, “book”, “pear”, “cereal”, “potty”, “hot”, “ice cream”, “bird”, “thirsty”, “light”, “yes”, “cold” and “happy”. Honestly, there may be more but I can’t keep up – you’re learning them so quickly and you surprise me all the time with ones that I’ve never signed with you before that you’ve picked up from our videos. You’re now up to 52 (or more) signs.

Sometimes you’re like a little old lady, all set in your ways. If some of the bedtime steps happen a little out of order, it throws you off a bit – and heaven forbid we actually skip a step! However, if we can stick to your routines for the most part you’re pretty easy-going about the rest. You are starting to become a little more cautious about who else might be in the room besides Mommy and Daddy, but you still charm the pants off of most people you meet. (Except for the grumpy ones, but they don’t count anyway.)


Every day I feel like we’re getting closer to something big. You are so interactive with your environment and everyone around you now, and your communication abilities and understanding are expanding so rapidly I’m pretty sure it’s all going to hit critical mass very, very soon and you’ll all of a sudden be…well, someone even more exciting than you are now. I’ve stopped trying to fight with time to slow down and I am instead abandoning myself to this exhilarating ride you started dragging me along on the day you took your first step into toddlerhood. Wheeeee!

Love, Mommy

Fourth Tooth, Take 2

Yeah, apparently I was a little hasty in announcing the appearance of a fourth tooth a couple of weeks ago. We were very puzzled, because it looked like it had cut through, but when it didn’t get any bigger we looked a little closer and…well, either it hadn’t actually popped through or it changed it’s mind and went back in. But now it’s definitely through, because I can feel it if I’m brave enough to stick my finger in there!

What’s In A Name?

I don’t know why I didn’t notice this last year (it’s not like I’m less sleep-deprived this year, after all) but Carolyn’s name is in a lot of Christmas carols.

For example, from “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year”:

There’ll be parties for hosting,
marshmallows for roasting,
and Carolyn out in the snow.

(Poor Carrie, I hope she doesn’t get cold out in the snow!)

From “Caroling, Caroling”:

Carolyn, Carolyn, now we go,
Christmas bells are ringing.
Carolyn, Carolyn, through the snow,
Christmas bells are ringing.

(And again with the snow…)

There are more, I just can’t think of them off the top of my head. It’s probably a little confusing to Carrie. Like when we discuss who’s going to carry her to the car or up the stairs. Poor munchkin. I’m sure her name will be an endless source of torment in middle school. (Especially if her classmates ever find out that we called her “munchkin”!)

Moving Up

As I was getting ready to leave for the Christmas concert I was singing in earlier this evening, I heard Denis telling Carrie to be careful on the chair. They were in the dining room, so I was a little confused about what chair she might be in.

Yeah. It turns out she can climb up on the dining room chairs.

This is a very bad thing – I’d been using the dining room table as a work surface for Christmas gifts, but now she can reach everything on it. Baby-proofing (or should I say toddler-proofing?) just got exponentially harder!

Fourth Tooth

The pediatrician wasn’t kidding when he said Carrie had a bunch of teeth all coming in at once – just 4 days after her first top tooth, she’s gotten a second one. Maybe we’ll have a little break before the next ones? I’d like to stop having to give her Motrin almost every night…

Thirteen Months Old!

Dear Carolyn,

So much has changed this month! You’re becoming quite the explorer and climber, and you’ve got attitude!


You’ve more than doubled your sign vocabulary this month, adding “apple”, “banana”, “peach”, “grapes”, “peas”, “cookie”, “cracker”, “bread”, “potato”, “again”, “hat”, “bed” (we use this sign to mean “sleepy”), “hurt”, “socks”, “bath”, “doll”, “fish” and “belly button” (you made that last one up.) You’re also becoming more verbal, saying “sh” for shoes, “ts” for socks, and “fs” for fish. Oh, and you melt my heart when you say “mama” – you say it in two distinct syllables, like you have to think really hard about how it’s supposed to sound. And while you still sign “dog” all the time, you also pant to talk about dogs.

20051109_rapper_baby.jpgYou’re learning to use a spoon, and we’ve experimented with a fork. You’re still not a huge fan of meat of any sort, but you’ve learned so many food signs that I can ask if you want an apple or a banana and you can tell me. There are meals when you eat as much as I do, and then there are times when you eat two bites of food and say you’re all done. I’m not too worried though, because those two bites are generally something healthy like broccoli. In fact, we’ve witnessed you passing up cookies for broccoli. I hope you always make that choice!

You are fascinated with buttons. You know which button to push to turn on your CD player at bedtime. You also know which button to push to turn off Mommy’s laptop! If there’s a button in the room that you can get to, you push it. And if there isn’t, you look for your belly button! You know where your belly button, teeth and hair are, and very occasionally can find your own nose.

You’re such a busy little girl these days, rarely stopping to cuddle, but every once in a while you stop to give a hug or a kiss to let us know you still love us. You’re definitely turning into an independent little girl, but you’ll always be my munchkin.

Love, Mommy

Three Teeth!

Oh, well. We can’t sing “All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth” for Carrie anymore, since she (finally) got one of her top teeth! And we actually managed to put her to bed tonight without any Motrin, so the other top tooth must not be all that close to breaking through.

At the rate she’s getting teeth, I’m expecting her two-year molars to come in around kindergarten…

(I swear I’ve been crafting up a storm, but most of what I’ve been doing is destined to be gifts so I can’t really post about any of it! So expect this to be mainly a baby blog for a while longer.)

One of THOSE Toddlers

I’m pretty sure that when Carrie learns how to take off more than just her shoes and socks she’s going to be one of those toddlers. You know, the ones you can’t take your eyes off in public because if you do for even a second, they’ve stripped naked.

She walked around story time today, lifting her dress up enough to show off her (admittedly cute) belly button to each mom and child. (I swear she’s the only toddler who knows where her belly button and teeth are but still can’t find her nose.) I felt like the other moms were looking at me like I’m intentionally raising an exhibitionist. It’s all Sandra Boynton’s fault really, since her Belly Button Book is one of Carrie’s all-time favorite stories. She even made up her own sign for belly button. (Or possibly belly or tickle, it’s hard to say.)

But considering her obsession with removing her shoes and socks, and her obsession with belly buttons, nothing good can happen when she figures out how to undo snaps…