Diaper Woes

The new box of Pampers Cruisers we just opened are different than the ones we’ve been using for the last however many months. They have this new meshy lining, and are nowhere near as soft as before. I suppose they thought they were improving them – or maybe they were just cutting costs. But after 24 hours in these diapers, Carrie has her first real diaper rash. She’s currently sleeping in one of the new diapers, and I’m really worried about what her poor little bottom is going to look like in the morning.

I tend to be very loyal to brands, but I’m going to have to go out tomorrow and buy her some different diapers. I briefly thought that maybe we could switch to cloth. But while I love the idea of cloth diapering, the execution…well, I just don’t think I’d really want to wash diapers, especially the stinky ones. So it’s off to shop diaper brands again, which is too bad because we’ve been happy and generally leak-free with Pampers up until now. I’ll probably call and complain to Pampers too, but what are they going to do, send me coupons for more of their rash-inducing diapers?

Add this to the list of things I never realized I’d spend so much time worrying about, until I became a mom…

Busy, Busy Week

20051117_snowbunny.jpgI’ve had stuff going on every night this week: Monday I had a rehearsal, Tuesday I took a needlepoint class, Wednesday I was in a recital. So tonight I stayed home instead of going to Sit & Knit, because I’m just really tired. And tomorrow I have yet another rehearsal. I’ve really overcommitted myself this month.

This morning we woke up to a light covering of snow on the deck, so after breakfast I stuffed Carrie in her bunting and let her wander around in the snow. She absolutely loved it! We weren’t going to buy her boots or a snowsuit this year, because we didn’t think she’d like the snow. Since she did, we picked up a pair of boots at Target this evening – this way she won’t ruin her everyday shoes and her feet will stay warm. I think in a few weeks when the snowsuits go on sale we’ll have to buy her one of those too. And I’ll just have to staple her mittens on, because she figured out she could take them off and play with the snow barehanded. I think the fact that they’re thumb-less is frustrating to her, but the smallest sizes of mittens all seem to come thumb-free. I suppose if her hands get cold enough she’ll stop taking the mittens off.

Dr. Teeth

Carrie has been sleeping poorly, and I even brought her to the doctor this afternoon to have her ears checked – they’re fine, but her four front top teeth are all “ready to pop through” as he put it. I just hope they pop through soon, because the sleep deprivation is killing me! I swear it’s worse now than last year at this time, because I know she can sleep through the night, she just won’t. Not that I don’t have a lot of sympathy for her – I can’t imagine what it must be like to have your mouth hurt to the point where you can’t sleep, and not know why.

We really don’t like giving her Motrin on a regular basis, but it does seem to help, and I suppose if I was in enough pain that I couldn’t sleep I’d take something. But those teeth had better come through soon…

Apples, Peaches, Plates and Utensils

Carrie picked up two new signs and a spoken word yesterday. She can now sign and say “apple”, and she figured out the sign for “bath”. Oh, and she recently learned the sign for “peaches”, too, although that’s a dangerous sign. Instead of signing it on her cheek, she signs it on the side of her head…which is really bad if she’s already had some peaches and her fingers are sticky! It’s funny, we couldn’t get her to repeat “apple”, but she said it clearly as she signed it, and then grabbed an apple out of the fruit basket on my parents’ counter. My mom thinks Carrie knows how to verbalize a lot of words, but waits to say things to us until she can say them perfectly. I don’t know when she’d be practicing, though, because we can hear her over the baby monitor whenever she’s in her crib.

In other news, Carrie now gets a plate at dinner instead of having her food put directly on her tray. I was expecting plates to go flying across the kitchen, but you know what? She does really well with it unless she doesn’t want anything on the plate or she’s done eating. She’s also learning how to manage a spoon, and a fork in very closely supervised circumstances. I know all of this is good and important, but she looks so grown up it makes me a little sad.

Baby, It’s Cold Outside!

20051111_bunting.jpgIt was pretty chilly this morning when we left for our tour of the ice cream shop at the mall. (Yep, that’s a benefit of being in the MOMS club – ice cream right after breakfast!) Thankfully, Carrie’s new bunting arrived just a couple of days ago. It’s a Land’s End fleece bunting, and although it was a PITA getting her in and out of it (well, mostly in) wherever we went, it definitely kept her toasty. I’m hoping it will get easier with practice. I’m also hoping that her fall coat will be enough for above-freezing sorts of days, especially those with lots of errands! I think I’ll use my coat choice as a basis for hers: if I can wear my light corduroy jacket and not be freezing, her fall coat will be fine; if I need my quilted down parka, she needs her bunting.

I have to say, I’m pretty impressed with how quickly I got my LE order: I placed it Saturday night and it was in my hands after lunch on Wednesday. (Good timing, too – when the UPS truck pulled up, I opened the door to swirls of snowflakes!)

Carrie & Snoopy

I realized after my post yesterday that I hadn’t ever gotten a picture of Carrie with her Snoopy doll, so I snapped a couple today. It wasn’t too hard, since she made a beeline for him as soon as I put her down in the living room after breakfast! Oh, and she’s wearing a super-cute Zutano outfit my brother got her last year. The weather and the sizing have finally cooperated so she could wear it! (I love the ears on the hat!)


Voting, Haircuts and Shoes.

20051108_voter.jpgHave you voted yet today? Carrie did! (The sticker you can’t read in the picture is one of those “I voted today” stickers. Silly overexposure issues!) She actually did help me vote, too: I brought her into the booth and she helped me pull the lever for the curtain back when we were done.

OK, so how bad is my hack job on her hair? I now know why it is that people go to school to cut hair: it’s really, really hard! Oh, well, at least it’s out of her eyes, and it’s only hair, so it will grow back – hopefully before Thanksgiving! I was thinking that since it had only been three weeks since her first haircut, there was no way I was going to bring her to the salon every three weeks, and how hard could it be to just trim her bangs? Yeah. Famous last words. Good thing she’s too young to be traumatized by it.

You know what’s really cute, that you would never think would be cute before becoming a mom? Being up at 5 AM trying to get your baby back to sleep, and having her point to one of her shoes on the floor and say “sh, sh, sh” over and over again. She definitely knows the word “shoe”, as well as “socks” – that one she says as almost a “ts” sound. I kind of thought that ‘s’ sounds came later, but Carrie seems to be really into them. Then again, she has a complete obsession with shoes and socks, which I’m sure is going to cost us a lot of money when she gets older.

Perfect Fall

20051104_swinging.jpgI was thinking this morning about what a perfect fall it’s been. The leaves have stayed on the trees in all their glory for longer than I can ever remember, and it’s been unseasonably warm. (Of course, this is all changing as I type this, as I’m sure the howling wind is stripping the trees bare and bringing us the cold weather we’re supposed to be having.)

We took full advantage of the wonderful weather these past few days and went outside every morning to play. Mainly, this involved either tasting leaves and rocks, or swinging. Carrie absolutely adores her swing. She would carefully make her way down the little hill, tromping through the yellow leaves, and reach her arms up to the swing to say “OK, Mom, I’m ready now.” In fact, there were a few times I thought she wanted to get out, so I’d take her out, carry her to the middle of the lawn and put her down…but she’d turn around, carefully make her way back, and reach up to the swing again.

I’m a little sad, because we’re going to have to put the swing away for the season soon, and she’ll probably have forgotten it by the time spring rolls around. But then again, she’ll get to rediscover the joys of swinging in the lovely warm spring air!

It really has been a perfect fall. The best I can ever remember.

Happy Halloween!


Carrie was feeling much better today – her fever is completely gone, although based on the drooling I’m guessing there’s another tooth on the way – so we stuffed her in her pumpkin costume and I took her to a few houses. I was actually only planning on taking her to three houses, but Carrie really got into the whole trick-or-treating scene. Her favorite part? Ringing the doorbells! After all, doorbells are just large (sometimes even lit!) buttons.

She was really funny about the candy, though. She kept signing “cheese”, because being the lazy mom I am I feed her cheese sticks instead of having to cut a chunk off a brick, so she thinks anything in a metallic wrapper is cheese. And then she wanted to hold it instead of putting it in her little ghost bucket, but that didn’t work so well after two houses. Unfortunately, she does know that there is yummy stuff under those wrappers, since my parents gave her a piece of white chocolate to try. (And apparently the wrapper is equally tasty.) She also got extra candy at most of the houses too, because she’d hear some music and start dancing or just do something particularly cute. Oh, and at the first house we went to she tried to actually go in the house when they opened the door, which was pretty amusing to all involved.

It will be hard to top this Halloween for the best Halloween ever. It was a nice balmy 60°, it didn’t rain, and it was so much fun to take my baby trick-or-treating!

First (High) Fever

Carrie’s sick. She woke up at 2:00 this morning, and I thought she felt especially warm. (Keep in mind I spent two days asking people if Carrie felt warm only to find that her temperature was completely normal.) I pulled out our handy temporal artery thermometer, and she had a temp of 101. (See? Moms know. I knew she was feverish two whole days before the thermometer figured it out!)

I gave her some Tylenol and got her back to sleep. Until 4:00. And then 5:00. And then at 5:30 (EST) she was up for good. Counting the time shift that was in there somewhere and having gone to bed at midnight (EDT) I’d guess I got about 5 hours of sleep.

Carrie was a trooper for the whole ride home, though. By the time we got within an hour of home she was starting to act like she was sick and uncomfortable but for the most part she was amazingly good. I do have to keep Tylenol in her system – the box says 4-6 hours, but if she goes more than 4 her temp goes up to anywhere from 101 to 103. I’m a tiny bit worried about how high it will get overnight. I think it’s going to be a long night.

One funny story from the road, though. We stopped at a sit-down place for breakfast (we left a little after 7 since we were up anyway), but then just hit a McDonald’s for lunch because we wanted to get Carrie home as soon as we could. Carrie turned her nose up at the cheeseburger, ate 2 1/2 fries, and totally rejected the apple juice. However, her Kashi cereal and a single-serve applesauce container we had in the car, plus her sippy of water, were perfectly fine. I guess it’s probably a good thing that she refuses to eat fast food, just a little less than convenient!