Raspberries and Zorbits

So it may just be something my family made up, but when you blow a raspberry on someone’s skin (like a baby’s tummy, what were you thinking?) we’ve always called it a zorbit. Well, Carrie’s been really good at blowing raspberries for months now, but today she learned how to zorbit. She was sitting in my lap, leaning over my arm to look at something she’d dropped on the floor. For some reason, she put her mouth on my elbow and blew a raspberry. That made her giggle, but then I blew one on her elbow and she about fell off my lap because we were both laughing so hard!

Oh, and Carrie has started intentionally feeding the dogs from her high chair tray. She’ll pick up a Cheerio (or whatever she’s eating) bring it to her mouth like she’s going to eat it, and then look directly at me while she puts her hand over the edge of the tray and drops the food. I’ve been trying very hard to keep a straight face when she does this, because she’s obviously trying to gauge my reaction, but it’s so hard not to laugh because it’s so darn funny. Actually, the other day she snuck food under the tray to Murphy, and I’m pretty sure that was intentional too.

ipod, you pod, we all pod…

If I could only justify a $20 (with shipping) onesie for Carrie. This is the perfect outfit for the daughter of two mac people, don’t you think?

But if I did splurge on it I’d be terrified to let her wear it. This whole self-feeding stage is really, really messy. I don’t even know how she gets food in some of the places I find it after mealtimes…

9 month well-baby visit

Vital stats:
39 weeks, 5 days old
18 lbs.
28.5″ tall

Only one shot today, which wasn’t too traumatic. Gone are the days when vaccinations meant a whole day of napping – today after Carrie’s appointment she played with her cousins, went swimming and played some more. For once we didn’t have many questions for the doctor, either.

After Carrie’s appointment Denis had to get an allergy shot, and we managed to get in and out of two doctors’ offices and back home in 2 hours, which may be a record!

Um, Thanks?

This exchange happens every time Carrie and I go out, usually more than once:

Complete Stranger: (to Carrie) You’re so beautiful!

me: (to Carrie) Say, “thank you” sweetie.

C.S.: (to me) No, really, she’s beautiful!

me: Thanks!

C.S.: I really mean it, she’s beautiful!

me: Um, thanks. (to Carrie) Wave bye-bye now, we have to go.

I realize that they are most likely sincere, since, well, I do have the most beautiful baby in the world. But a tiny part of me worries about two things. First, am I so ugly that it’s that shocking for me to have a beautiful baby? And second, is this person a stalker?

I’m not a curmudgeon, really, but after the fourth or fifth such exchange in a single shopping trip I’m looking for the Candid Cameras…and for a discreet way out of the store. But then there’s always the cashier to get past…

Nine Months Old!

Dear Carolyn,

My goodness. You’ve been out in the world for as long as I was pregnant with you! The time really has gone by so quickly – in just a few short months I’ll be planning your first birthday party.


You’ve been trying so hard to stand up without pulling up on anything and to climb on things, and you’re so close to walking – I’ve seen you thinking about it a couple of times, when you get to the end of the piece of furniture you’re cruising on and debate whether to try to walk to the next or get down and crawl. Your balance has improved so much since last month, and you frequently stand unassisted for quite a while and then gracefully sit back down.

20050724_curiosity.jpgWe’ve had to really get serious about baby proofing, putting locks on all the cabinet doors that you’ve figured out how to open and anchoring furniture to the wall. I feel a little bad, because you love opening and shutting doors, but none of our cabinets are currently all that baby-safe…that’s a project for next month, to give you a cabinet of your own!

You still don’t have any teeth, but I really love those toothless little grins so I don’t mind at all. And your lack of teeth hasn’t stopped you from eating anything I put on your tray. You absolutely love cheerios, banana chunks, graham crackers and black beans. In fact, there really isn’t any finger food you’ve tried that you haven’t enjoyed. I did finally find a food you don’t really like, though: cottage cheese. I think it’s a texture thing for you, but since we’ve only tried it once so far I’m hoping you’ll change your mind. You’ve tried lots of new foods this past month: wheat, blueberries, cherries, zucchini, cheerios, apricots, yellow squash, raspberries, broccoli, potatoes, cottage cheese, cauliflower, black beans, egg yolk and prunes – I’m running out of new foods for you to try! I gave you yogurt again today, and so far it doesn’t seem to be bothering you like it did a few weeks ago.

20050724_closeup.jpgYou’ve learned to babble, and we get treated with endless streams of ba-ba-ba, da-da-da, and ma-ma-ma – although that last one is usually only when you want something. You consistently sign “more” when you want more food, and “milk” both when you want to nurse and when you’re in your high chair and want water. You love to “talk” though, and you try to be the loudest thing in the room – if the vacuum cleaner is on or Daddy’s using the drill you’ll shout over it. You love making your voice echo in bathrooms and other small spaces!

I enjoyed being pregnant with you – well, mostly, if you don’t count the all-day morning sickness in the beginning – but these last 9 months have been so much more fun than those first 9 months. Every day I think maybe you might be the cutest you’ll ever be, but then you do something even cuter the next day. I’m pretty sure you got an extra helping of cuteness when they were handing it out to all the babies-to-be!

Love, Mommy

See more pictures!

Lost Binkies And Puppies

Of course, I buy new binkies, and less than 24 hours later the old ones turn up – in places that I’m sure I looked, several times: behind the toybox and behind the crib. Oh, well. I suppose extra binkies are not necessarily a bad thing to have.

I also have my first embarrassing story to tell Carrie’s first date (when she’s, oh, 27 and we start letting her date of course). I brought a load of laundry into the living room to fold and dumped it out on the coffee table. Carrie loves to play the pull-everything-off-the-table game whenever I do this, but today she decided to taste each piece of clothing as she pulled it off the table. She made the silliest faces each time, and then finally decided one of my socks tasted the best and carried it in her mouth while she crawled around the room. I swear it’s like having another puppy in the house, although this one doesn’t have sharp pointy teeth. Well, not yet anyway.

The Great Binky Hunt

The other day we realized that 3 of Carrie’s 6 current binkies are MIA. Since we normally put her down for naps and bed with three binkies (one for her mouth and one for each hand!) this is a critical issue – what happens if another binky goes missing?!? For once in my life my house is actually pretty clean – especially the rooms that Carrie frequents – so there aren’t any obvious places for these binkies to be living. Yesterday Carrie and I went on a binky scavenger hunt, getting on our hands and knees to look under all the furniture, and only came up with one more binky, which was hiding under the couch. There are still two binkies missing.

This morning, we dumped her toy box and diaper bag, and came up with nothing.

Where have all the binkies gone? Did the binky fairy come early to take them away? Maybe the dryer, frustrated by the lack of baby socks to eat (Carrie’s hardly worn socks all summer) has branched out into new territory?

I guess I’ll have to go buy a couple of new binkies today. I’ll certainly find the old ones then, right?

That Was Too Easy

Last night wasn’t such a good night for Carrie. She woke up around midnight, and no amount of rocking, diaper changing or nursing was working to get her back to sleep. Denis even tried rocking her for a while, and then we finally gave up and brought her to bed just so we could get some sleep. Only, that backfired, because Carrie was thrashing and crying and kicking instead of sleeping. Finally, at 1:30 I was so frustrated I carried her back to her room, put her in her crib, gave her a kiss and said goodnight. I crawled back in bed, listening to her protests, fully expecting to have to get up in 10 minutes to go rescue her. But after only a minute or two, she stopped crying and started playing with her aquarium, and then I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew it was 6 AM.

I felt horribly guilty, imaging that I must have slept through her crying alone in her crib, but on a whim I put her down awake for her morning nap instead of spending 20 minutes rocking her to sleep, and 20 minutes later she had fallen asleep on her own! Dare I hope for a repeat for her afternoon nap?


They are like manna from heaven, apparently. I thought Carrie really liked the Gerber fruit and vegetable puffs we’d been giving her, but Cheerios must be even more yummy. We’ve been giving her a lot more foods and experimenting more with finger foods. She loves to eat. (She’s definitely related to my family!) And with such motivation, she’s become a lot more consistent about signing “more”, although it varies from clapping hands to banging fists and everything in between. I figure if I sign it back to her correctly she’ll eventually get it right.

Let’s see, lately Carrie’s tried blueberries, cherries, zucchini and apricots. Next up? Yellow squash, nectarines, white potatoes, broccoli and maybe some beans. I’m going to step up introductions a bit and only wait 2 days between new foods instead of 3 or 4, because at the rate we’re going she won’t be done trying things until she’s 27. Besides, she’s really becoming intensely interested in what Mommy and Daddy are eating, so sooner or later I’m just going to have to let go of the careful planning and just let her eat anything she wants.

Look Who’s “Talking”!

Carrie says “ba-ba-ba!”

She started babbling three days ago and hasn’t stopped since. And she’ll “repeat” anything you say, only using “bah”. So, if I say “quack, quack”, she’ll say “bah, bah”. If I say “more?”, she’ll say “bah?”. It’s pretty darn cute.

I keep thinking Carrie can’t possibly get any cuter, and then she does. Every new thing she learns how to do makes her that much more fun to be around!