Sometimes I should probably just nod and say “yes”.

Conversation in the car earlier as we pulled into the driveway after dance class:

Anna: “Mama, what is that on top of the roof?”
Me: “That’s the chimney, honey, for the fireplace we never use.”
Carolyn: “Yeah, we’ve never used it, have we?”
Me: “Well, not since before you were born.”
Carolyn: “Oh!  Is that because it contributes to greenhouse gases?  When I was born did you start thinking more about the world around you because you wanted to be more environmentally responsible for me and all the other children in the world?”
Me: “Um…well, honestly?  It made the house too stinky.”
Carolyn: “Oh.”

Maybe sometimes honesty is not the best policy!  Also, where on earth did she come up with that whole speech?  I mean, we are pretty environmentally friendly, but have never talked about these things in anything approaching those words…

Get Acquainted Night

Tonight was the get acquainted/curriculum night for Carolyn’s 2/3 classroom.  It was great to see what she’s been working on, and how her classroom works.  All the kids have jobs, which they had to write a letter of application to get.  Carolyn is one of the class librarians – which makes sense considering her love of reading!  (My jaw dropped when I saw the collection of chapter books they have in the classroom.  I thought we had a lot at home!)

The class ran through a mock morning meeting for us and then sang a song they had all written together.  All in all, it seems like a really fun, dynamic classroom and the science units they’re going to be covering in the next few months sound really neat: magnets, electromagnets, electrical systems, the solar system, ecosystems, skeletal and circulatory systems…the theme this year is “Working Together”, to tie into all the systems!

I’m looking forward to another great couple of years of multi-age for Carolyn!

All About Carolyn

Fiber Festival, 2011

This weekend is the annual fiber festival put on by our local spinning guild.  Our shop has a big booth there, so it’s a working weekend for me!

Bits of our booth:

Denis and his parents (here for a visit) brought the girls to the festival this afternoon for a bit.  Their new rainbow sweaters apparently generated lots of comments!

Alpacas are pretty funny looking!
Looking at the grazing alpaca.
These sheep wanted nothing to do with us.
Happy girls!

Shall We Dance?

This year, Carolyn is moving up a level to a 1.5 hour class that includes tap, ballet & jazz, and Anna is starting dance with an hour long ballet & tap (and learning how to listen) class.  So we moved “dance night” to Wednesdays so they could have classes at (mostly) the same time.

This means…I get to sit in the lobby with my knitting and my kindle for a whole entire hour *all by myself*.  (Oh, wait, that’s probably not what I’m supposed to be excited about here, is it?)

Also, how cute is this?!?

Little Dancers
Anna's first class!

First Day of Second Grade

New year, new teacher, new ‘do:

All smiles!

Carolyn wanted to wear a million little braids to school, so we settled on a slightly smaller number (*only* 18) and got up early to do it this morning.

Lots of braids!

It was a tad bit chilly waiting for the bus!

It's *freezing* out here!

But she is definitely all smiles and ready to meet new friends and face new challenges!

Ready for second grade!
Bye, Mom!

Anna, on the other hand…when the bus left, she grabbed my hand and started pulling me to the car, saying “OK, now it’s time to drive me to preschool!”  She was so crestfallen when she realized she doesn’t get to start until next Tuesday…poor girl!

Watch out for flying pigtails!

It didn’t take her too long to cheer up, though, and by the time we were waiting for the afternoon bus she was dancing around with her pigtails flying!

First Sleepover

Carolyn had a friend overnight last night for her very first sleepover!  The girls had a really fun time, and even let Anna in on their play now and then.  (Poor Anna thought that Simone had come over to visit her…I guess she’s pretty used to playing with much older kids!)

Three silly girls on a swing!