Strawberry Potato Stamping

For our final strawberry week activity, we decorated the goody bags for Anna’s upcoming birthday party.  I wanted to stamp strawberries on these neon green bags I found in Target’s dollar spot, but I couldn’t find a simple strawberry rubber stamp.  I ran across this post that used potatoes to make stamps, which seemed pretty easy (even if I couldn’t use cookie cutters to make the stamps).  This part needs an adult, a steady hand, and a good sharp paring knife:

Potato stamps, carved and ready to go.

There aren’t any action shots of the stamping, since this needed to be a very hands-on activity for me.  Basically, we dipped the potatoes in a paper plate with some paint on it to “ink” them:

Inked stamps - a little easier to see!

Then we stamped the bags.  (If you try this at home, be sure to put some folded up newspaper in there to keep the paint from soaking through to the other side of the bag!)  It was hard to line up the leaves with the tops of the strawberries, so they’re all a little…unique:

Stamped bag, phase 1.

Finally, a toothpick dipped in yellow paint to add some seeds:

Lots of little yellow dots.
Stamped Bag, Phase 2.

And we now have a pile of inexpensive, homemade, (hopefully) reusable goody bags:

Oh, goody!

Of course, with the paints already out, the girls wanted to paint some more things.  So we added a number of other colors to the paper plate and broke out some paper and paint brushes.

Concentrating hard!
Little Artist

But the temptation of paint…oh, so tempting to squish little fingers in…

Little fingers in the paint...

Luckily, we had nothing else planned, so we could go straight from painting to the bathtub!

Messy little jazz hands.
Slightly bigger (and cleaner) painted jazz hands.

The plate itself is a little work of art, or at least evidence of a thoroughly messy and fun painting session!

Do they make paper plate-shaped frames?

Strawberry Playdough

I found a recipe for making homemade strawberry playdough (scroll down on that page) and decided to try it this morning.  I will never buy commercial playdough again – this smells better, is more malleable, and I know exactly what’s in it.  It would taste awful, but if some ended up in a little mouth it certainly wouldn’t hurt anyone!

So, I had my doubts at this stage:

Playdough in a pan...?

But then after a bit of kneading it looked like this:

Looking a bit more playdough-like!

Add a toothpick for a tool, and here’s a strawberry made out of strawberry playdough:

Strawberry playdough strawberry. Hulled, of course.

The kids have spent the past hour and a half playing with this stuff.  I think we have a winner!

Pokey little toothpick.
Master sundae chef.
Shhh. Don't tell her she's working on her motor skills!
A delicious strawberry playdough sundae.

Old School Valentines

This morning I sent Carrie off to school with her hand-made Valentines:


These can be summed up in one word: MESSY. Good gracious, I think I’m going to be finding glitter from these for the next several months! And I think I’d get card stock for next time. We used construction paper, pre-cut heart doilies, little heart confetti bits and glitter, but the amount of glue involved caused the construction paper to curl a lot. Maybe card stock would stay flatter?

I traced the hearts, Carrie cut them out. I applied the glue, she stuck on the doily and added more glue on top to help the confetti and glitter stick. Oh, and before the whole messy gluing bit I wrote the recipient’s name on the back, along with “Love,” and Carrie alternated between writing “Carrie” and “Carolyn” depending on her mood. Except for one or two that are signed “Carriolyn” because she just couldn’t decide…

Gingerbread Girl

Every once in a while, the preschool sends home “homework”, where the kids are supposed to decorate/make/bring something in. They’re talking about gingerbread men (people?) today, so last week we got this outline of a gingerbread person to decorate. Carrie went to town with foam stickers, glitter glue, and scraps of ribbon I found in my craft room. I think it’s the cutest gingerbread girl ever!


Say “Cheese!”

gsc_camera.jpgConsidering there’s a camera pointed at her a fair amount of the time, it shouldn’t really surprise anyone that Carrie loves cameras. We’re considering getting her the Fisher Price kid’s digital camera for her next birthday. (It bothers me that they have a “girls” version and a “boys” version, but given the choice I know Carrie would pick pink.) But in the meantime she tends to pretend that various things are a camera.

The other day I was flattening an empty girl scout cookie box for recycling, when Carrie grabbed it out of my hands, looked through the open end, and said “say cheese!” So I taped it back up, cut a viewfinder, covered it in plain paper, and cut off a bit of a paper towel tube to make a lens. We decorated it with markers, crayons, and a foam sticker for the shutter button.

Carrie pretends to take pictures with it, and then shows me the back of the camera and says “Look! That’s a great picture!” It’s very obvious she’s only known digital cameras. I wonder if she will ever take film pictures, or if film will even be commonly available when she’s older?


(It was her idea for me to draw a picture of two doggies and a little girl on the back. I’m not exactly an artist, but she was happy enough with my attempt.)