Carrie and I went to a fiber festival today!

I think I showed amazing restraint, coming home with just 8 oz. of fiber (who can leave a fiber festival without fiber?), a new drop spindle (to replace the one Murphy destroyed), one skein of sock yarn (to join the other 18 dozen skeins I already have), and a llama doll. Oh, and there was a sheep tape measure, but that was for my mom and I gave it to her before I took the picture. Certainly compared to
Rhinebeck two years ago, I hardly bought a thing!
The blue/green/purple combo is a merino/tencel blend. The seller was tactfully trying to tell me it’s not so good for a beginning spinner, but I couldn’t resist it. I’ll practice before I try it! The rainbow colored top is wensleydale, which is good for a beginner. The spindle is a Bosworth, and is made from chochin rosewood. (It currently has some very basic wool on it so I could remember how to use a drop spindle!) And the llama doll is for Carrie.
The neat thing about the llama doll? I swear Carrie’s been saying “llama” all afternoon. At least, if I say it she’ll repeat the sounds. And if I ask her where the llama is she goes and picks it up. Could “llama” be her first word? I’ll see if she says it tomorrow too. (Although, technically, she says “duh” for duck and “daw” for dog pretty consistently too, so those could also be first words…)
Here are more pictures of our adventure. (Including fuzzy fibery animals!)