In other news, Suki is felted – hopefully it will be dry enough to take pictures tonight!
You Know It’s Really Summer…
…when you walk into your house and have to search for the dogs under mountains of dog fur. Why aren’t they bald yet?!? I wonder if Murphy would take to being vacuumed? Molly is too terrified of the vacuum to even consider it. At least this means the warm weather will be sticking around for a while. The dog fur always knows!
Splish, Splash
Murphy is not so sure about the pool. In fact, he was downright terrified of it. He’ll probably get used to it – he can swim (which I suppose is instinctive) and he started getting interested in the toys we were throwing for Molly to retrieve after a while. He’d run along the length of the pool and look like he was about to jump in, but then thought better of it. The couple of times I carried him out the length of the shallow end, he just swam in a straight line and tried to get out. Poor pup. But at least we know he can swim.
The pool is still pretty chilly, 70°, but considering it’s supposed to be upwards of 90° all this week, it will probably get quite a bit of use!
Goofy Dogs
Molly and Murphy were very interested in the goings-on around the pool! Too bad it’s still kind of green, and very cold! Maybe by this weekend it will be fit for doggy swimming – I can’t wait to see whether Murphy likes to swim.
I spent a little time on their pages tonight. I have a lot more work to do – mostly finding pictures on archived CDs – but at least it finally reflects the fact that we have two dogs.
Is it cannibalism (or “canine”-abilism) to let dogs eat animal crackers? :)
Puppy School’s Out!
Last night we had our last basic obedience class with Murphy. He’s done so well, we’re going to take the summer off and bring both him and Molly to intermediate class in a few months. (Molly’s already been, but she’s forgotten everything – our fault for not keeping up with it.)
After class ended, we dragged a couple of pieces of agility equipment out and tried Murphy on them – he has no fear of anything, even the little narrow ramps they’re supposed to walk up and down. And the jumps…compared to baby gates, the little foot-high jumps were nothing. I really think he would enjoy agility training, although I’m not sure what sort of time commitment is required. I originally planned to look into it with Molly, until we found out she had hip displaysia. I think if she ever grows out of being a totally neurotic dog, I’ll look into therapy work with her. In the meantime, has anyone out there done either agility or therapy work with their dogs? Any info would be appreciated!
Dog Naps
This morning was gray and rainy, and when I woke up I had a terrible sinus headache…long story short, I fell back asleep on the couch instead of getting ready for work. When I woke up, Molly was curled up on my feet and Murphy was stretched out on my legs. All I wanted was to stay right there, napping with my puppies. I would have too, if a C.A.T. hadn’t strolled by our window and incited the dogs to riot. :)
…And Speaking of Dogs
Molly’s third birthday was today! (She’s the one on the left). Unfortunately, I couldn’t take a picture today. Well, I could have taken the picture, just not transferred it to my computer. Someone, we won’t name names *cough – Murphy – cough* ate the little leather case that I kept my spare memory cards and card reader in. In the process, he destroyed a 16 MB memory card…and the card reader.
In honor of her birthday, Molly did exactly what she does every day: eat, sleep, and chew on Murphy. :)
Cute Dog Story
Check out this cute little story. It sure made me smile on a cold, gray morning. (Is it spring yet?)
Puppy Class
While I went on a girls’ night out with Jo, Denis took Murphy to his first training class. Apparently, he did very well. (Murphy, that is. Denis was running around like crazy and the trainer had to restrain him several times.) He’s pretty tuckered out right now…and Murphy is, too. :D