With the almost daily rain we’ve had for the past few weeks, I didn’t manage to get the DADDDY pictures done yet. But we still wanted to say “Happy Father’s Day” to Denis, Grandpa and Poppy!
Too Cute…
My mom had to have her appendix out last night…apparently it was too cute. Hopefully she’ll feel better soon – she’s been in a bit of pain lately and didn’t know why.
Birthdays and Princesses and Crawling, Oh, My!
Today is my Dad’s birthday. We didn’t get a chance to see him today, although Carrie did get to wish him a happy birthday on the phone. Happy birthday, Daddy!
In other news, it was “Pirates and Princesses” day at school today. The kids got to wear a costume to school, so Carrie spent the day in her Belle dress. The also had a treasure hunt with a map in the school, which sounds like it was a lot of fun.

Finally, Anna has started crawling. She’s been doing the “commando crawl” for almost two weeks now, but today she finally coordinated getting her tummy off the ground and moving her hands and knees without collapsing. She can’t go far or fast yet, but it’s time to start rethinking the tiny toy containment strategy…
Happy Birthday, Dan!
My “little” brother turns 30 today. Which makes me…older than 30. ;)
He’s on vacation someplace warm right now. I hope he brings home some sunshine!
Happy Birthday, Denis!
Um, honey, I totally owe you a birthday gift. And a cake. And, well, any celebration at all for your birthday. Sorry. But, um, Happy Birthday!
No Room for Mommy!
I just got home from Christmas shopping. I left after the girls were in bed…or so I thought.
I came in from the garage, and I found Denis’ laptop open on the couch, every light on the first floor on, and the dogs sleeping on the part of the couch not taken up with the laptop…but no Denis. Listen? Silence.
I could see that pretty much every light on the second floor was also on…so I crept up the stairs, and what do you think I found? Denis, Anna and Carrie all sound asleep in my bed – and sprawled over enough of it that I don’t think I’m going to be able to squeeze in. (Note to self: ask Santa for a king-sized bed.)
I feel a little like baby bear in Golidlocks…
Kid-Free Evening!
My cousin Debbie’s wedding was today…er, yesterday. So Denis’ parents came up to watch the girls while we went to the reception. We did bring them to the ceremony itself, and Carrie was amazingly good – way better than she is at church!
I have to admit, it was kind of nice to have a few hours off, but when it came right down to it? We mostly talked about the girls while we were gone. I missed my little screaming mimi and my munchkin monster for those few hours, and I was really impressed (and happy) that they were both sound asleep when we got home. There’s nothing like a sleeping child to remind you why you love them so much…
100 Years
My great-grandmother will be 100 years old on Wednesday. To celebrate this momentous occasion, all of her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren came to a party in her honor. (Well, not quite all, but as many as we could get in one place at one time!)
She met both the girls for the first time, and we took many generation pictures (how often do you have five generations in the same room?!?) and many family pictures. And both girls got to dance with their great-grandpa to some live accordion music.

I hope someday I get to meet my great-great-grandchildren.
As ready as we’re going to get!
While there’s still quite a bit of general cleaning that has to happen around the house, the baby’s room is pretty much done, enough of the laundry is done, and at 38+ weeks the baby is close enough to being “done” that I’d be really quite happy if she came any time now. (Actually, though, maybe after dance camp ends on Friday would be better.)
I suppose we should really pack a bag or two and pick a name soon…
Happy Ninth Anniversary!
Yep, we’re an old married couple. We didn’t even get each other cards. But we are going out for dinner and a movie Saturday night. I have to see the new Indiana Jones movie!