Happy April Fool’s Day!

Yeah, did I promise pictures today of all my current craft projects? What, did you forget it was April Fool’s Day today?

Instead, here’s a picture of Carrie wearing the dog pajamas I bought her. They’re boys’ pajamas, because any girls’ pajamas with dogs on them have sissy dogs like pink fluffy poodles. (Not that there’s anything necessarily wrong with poodles, but dogs definitely shouldn’t be pink!)


I’m Still Alive!

I’ve been busy trying to rework my week to fit in some workouts at the gym. I did manage to get there three times this week, including taking a spin class. I wish I was talking about spinning fiber, but no, I took the kind of spin class that makes it hard to sit down for three days! The good news is that Carrie cried the whole time I left her in the gym childcare Monday, cried for a few minutes on Wednesday, and didn’t even miss me today.

We’ve also spent a lot of time outdoors this week, because the weather has been absolutely gorgeous. Today it topped 70°, and Denis came home early, and we got some yard work done. I think this weekend I’m going to look for some kid-sized gardening tools for Carrie – she really wanted to use the rake and tried to steal my gloves.

In my spare time I’ve been working on some projects – maybe I’ll actually manage to take some pictures tomorrow. Carrie’s Snoopy pajamas are done with the exception of snaps, although they look enormous. I’ll have to try them on her tomorrow, but I don’t think they’ll fit until next fall/winter. I finished up the baby sweater that I was trying to deny the existence of a few days ago. And I’m actually…drum roll, please…working on sock #2 for Sockapaloooza! I got a repeat and a half done just now while watching three Tivo’d episodes of The Daily Show from this past week. OK, so we fast-forward through commercials, leaving each episode at maybe 24 minutes, and each repeat is 12 rows, so I can do 6 rows in 24 minutes, or 4 minutes per row. At that rate it should only take me…um, where’s the calculator app? Ah, yes, about 10 more hours of knitting. I can finish that by the end of April, right?

Off Kilter

Did I say regularly scheduled blogging? I’ve been all out-of-sorts this week. I assume it has a lot to do with the craziness of the past couple of weeks, and hopefully it will be all better after this weekend.

Carrie learned two new things today: she can now climb in and out of her high chair unassisted, and she signs “excuse me” after she burps. Of course, she has to have a good chuckle about having burped first. It’s the little things…

And in a very odd coincidence, we discovered earlier this afternoon that Denis’ car had a headlight out – the left headlight – and then on my way home from Sit & Knit Lisa pulled up alongside my car to let me know that I had a headlight out…the left headlight. I’m trying not to be (mildly) freaked out about that.

Happy St. … Joseph’s Day?!?

In honor of it being St. Joseph’s Day, we held our 5th annual St. Patty’s Day party. But, to appease my Italian heritage, we put out some St. Joseph’s bread and I baked Italian cookies (with shamrock sprinkles, of course) along with the corned beef and some twice-baked potatoes.
Jenny took way more pictures than I did. I’m totally exhausted from the show still, so it was all I could do to make coherent conversation, let alone try to take pictures!

Random Bits Of Nothing

I just got home from the first dress rehearsal for Sound of Music. It’s still strange playing with an orchestra…but at least if I miss a page turn I don’t have to worry about not playing for a measure or two!

Carrie and I had a really busy morning: we went to Babies Love Books, then we went and got her feet measured again at Stride Rite (I was concerned that maybe her shoes weren’t fitting well because she’s been falling a lot lately, but that doesn’t seem to be the problem), then we went to the gym. Yes, I made it to the gym again a mere two days after joining. Yay for me! Carrie wasn’t thrilled with being left in the childcare room, but she survived, and we discovered that the woman taking care of the kids has two deaf sons and knows ASL. I could kick myself for not mentioning that Carrie signs before I left her there, but I just assumed (silly me) that it wasn’t likely that the childcare staff would know sign language. Next time I’ll know better!

Couch Potato In Training


If this was how Carrie always watched TV, she would never get to watch it at all. But she was having a super cranky no-nap day last weekend, and we asked her what she wanted to do. She signed “blue” and said “clue!” so we let her watch Blue’s Clues, and this was how she opted to watch it. Normally she’s up and dancing and signing along with the show, but I guess she just needed 20 minutes to be a couch potato. I think it’s pretty funny that she figured out how to slouch like this – I don’t think Denis or I do that while watching TV, but she has to have gotten it from one of us…

Today, though, I am not a couch potato: I joined a gym today! They have childcare, so I should be able to go some mornings and let Carrie play for a half hour or so while I work out. And lest you think Carrie is always watching TV, we also go to a gym for her – the building on the school campus that houses pre-K holds an open gym each week where they get out balls and blocks and mats and such. Carrie adores it, and it’s something of a workout for me as well, because I’m constantly chasing her or lifting her up to make a basket. I think I can get to my gym three times a week, and her gym once a week, and now that the weather is warming up we should be able to go for walks on some of the other days. Maybe by the time we go to Disney this July I’ll actually be in a little better shape?

Long Day Already

We got our new stove delivered today! Hooray! It’s a ceramic (flat) top electric range, which means…drum roll, please…NO MORE DRIP PANS TO CLEAN! (Or not clean, depending on how good a housekeeper I feel like being.)

But then we were noticing that Molly was acting a little funny – holding her head at an odd angle and squinting a lot. If I thought dogs could have migraines, that’s what it looked like. A quick trip to the vet, and she has doggie conjunctivitis – a.k.a. pink-eye. The vet promises that Carrie can’t catch it, but Murphy definitely can, so we’ll have to keep an eye on him.

And Carrie is not napping well. I just settled her back down for what will hopefully turn into the second half of her nap, because I don’t want to leave Denis with an extra-cranky munchkin while I go to rehearsal tonight. I don’t know if it’s the howling wind or just teething pain, but she’s not a happy napper today.

I think I need a nap myself. Too bad I’m not getting one!

Life Is One Long Rehearsal

Or at least, that’s how it feels lately. We’re in crunch mode for the musical, which opens next Thursday, and rehearsals have been running late and are beginning to feel a little stressed. At this point, I’ve been in or played for The Sound of Music so many times I think I could play the music blindfolded. Tonight was the first time I’ve played it with an orchestra, though. It was heavenly! There are definitely parts where the piano is featured, but there are lots and lots of parts where if I don’t play all the notes on a particular page it’s no biggie – which is good, because there are lots and lots of parts where I just couldn’t play all the notes on the page. (The key of G-flat? What on earth were they thinking?!? Who can think in the key of G-flat?)

And the sitzprobe (yes, it’s a strange word, google has the definition) ended early enough that I could be home to put Carrie to bed.


Netflix sent me Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire today, so I just finished watching that. I was disappointed to not see it in the theater, but hey, I got the DVD in the mail the same day it was released in the stores, so, yay! I almost didn’t watch it tonight, because the sleeve they sent it in had a running time of 4 hours and 40 minutes listed, but it was only 2 hours and 40 minutes. It was my favorite of them all so far!

Look, Ma, I Cleaned My Room!

Today I cleaned my craft room to the point where I was actually able to vacuum it. I’m afraid to even admit how long it’s been since I was able to vacuum this room. Doesn’t it look fabulous? You can actually see the sewing machine along with my stack of things that need to be sewn (that’s the pile of plastic bags on the right side of the table):


That is, it looks fabulous until you see exactly how I cleared off the floor:

Either I have way too many craft supplies, very poor organizational skills, or not enough time to knit/quilt/scrapbook/etc. I’m leaning towards that last one.