My Name Is Sarah…

…and I’m a stuff-a-holic! I just cleaned up the clothes monster in my bedroom today – all clean clothes, just not put away – and discovered yet again that I have too many clothes for my storage space. I cleaned out my dresser a few months back and that’s still good, but my closet is still full of maternity clothes and clothes that are too small. And the armoire? Well, let’s just say I really shouldn’t knit myself any more sweaters until I get rid of a few. Especially since – except for a ratty old green cardigan, a less ratty black cardigan, and very occasionally Janda – I haven’t worn any of them in two years! I couldn’t wear them last year because I didn’t fit into most of them and I was too hot in them anyway. This year I’m still too hot in most of them, and really, who wants to hand-wash a wool sweater that’s had graham cracker hands smeared all over it?

I’m not going to even talk about the craft room. I think I’m going to nail the door shut and wallpaper over it. What fourth bedroom? This is only a three bedroom house, really!

Happy Birthday, Denis!

Today is Denis’ birthday! Unfortunately I had a rehearsal until 6:30 this evening, and Carrie goes to bed around 8, so we couldn’t go out. Instead we got pizza from this great new place near us, Slice of Napa. Not only do they have marvelous pizzas (we’ve only tried four so far, but each was yummier than the last) but they have a cheesecake calzone. Carrie thought that was quite tasty.

We Love Our Sandra B.!

For Christmas, Santa gave Carrie Philadelphia Chickens and Dog Train. These are both excellent children’s albums (with great lyric books) by Sandra Boynton. My absolute favorite songs off the two albums are “I Need a Nap”, “Fifteen Animals”, “Belly Button”, and “Snuggle Puppy”. But there are so many others that are just so fantastic, it’s worth owning the albums. We also have several – well, probably more than a dozen now – of her board books, and they are all among Carrie’s favorites. (As in the ones she asks me to read to her over and over and over and over on a daily basis.)

And then, in a strange cosmic hiccup, I was browsing the $4 calendar sale at the mall this evening and found Mom’s Family Calendar, also a Sandra Boynton item. That in itself wasn’t so strange, until some random woman walking by as I was pondering whether I really needed a family calendar (since we already have one that’s perfectly functional, just not nearly as cute) started gushing over what a great calendar it was, and how it’s made her into a super-organized mom. OK. I’m sold!

So, I guess what I’m saying is, if you have a small child and need some great books and music for him or her, you really can’t go wrong with Sandra Boynton!

What Are They Up To Over There?

You know it’s time to go to bed when:

You’re the last person up, and it’s getting kind of late, and you’re going through the house turning off all the lights. And then you start wondering what the neighbors must think about the fact that it’s so late and there are so many lights on in the house. But then you realize that if they’re wondering about the lights being on in your house then a) they are very nosy neighbors, and b) they’re still up too. And then you start wondering, what are the neighbors doing up so late?

Wait a second…

Never mind. I’m going to bed.

Spring Fever

It’s probably not a good thing that it looks and feels so much like spring this week. Today I was vacuuming the downstairs, and the sun was streaming through the window and I felt so happy – while vacuuming, which I hate! Carrie was not too thrilled with the sun, though, because it’s low enough in the sky that it seemed to be in her eyes the whole time we were in the car this morning. And it’s going to be rude awakening when it starts snowing this weekend. I mean, it’s January, we should be socked in with snow right now, but we’re not and I’m starting to think spring-y thoughts…like how nice it would be to throw out everything in the house and clean every corner and crevice. The sun streaming in the windows makes all the dust and clutter more noticeable!


Here are the things I’d like to accomplish this coming year:

  • Get back into walking – I was walking several miles a week during the fall, but then fell off the wagon when I started working on the Christmas gifts.
  • Take better care of myself in general. No more super-late bedtimes. (She says after staying up until 1 playing crayon rails last night.)
  • Clean my craft room. We’ve all heard that one before, right? Only this time I really need to just do it.
  • Get rid of a lot of excess stuff so the house is a bit easier to keep clean. When there’s less to put away it doesn’t take as long!

That’s not too much of a stretch. I just need to spend Carrie’s naptimes doing constructive things every day, and save my fun crafting time for times when she’s playing on her own or after she’s gone to bed.

Feeling Better

It’s amazing what a few doses of antibiotics will do for you. I feel so much better today it’s almost ridiculous.

Plus, I won my fantasy football league. The Knottsville Knitters love Shaun Alexander! (And Carson Palmer, Clinton Portis and Terry Jones too!)

Now if I could just find my size 2 circular needles or my missing cross-stitch pattern so I could work on something fun (I have made progress on Sammy’s quilt, too) then I’d be set. My craft room seems to have eaten everything I am currently looking for.

Happy 2006. Not.

What a way to start the new year. I woke up at 4:00 this morning feeling like I had the flu…and feeling like I had a plugged milk duct. Add the two together, and I get to start off 2006 with mastitis. Yippee. I’m praying my pharmacy is open today, because the nurse at my doctor’s office is calling in an antibiotic for me.

The good news is, the whole year probably can’t go much worse than today. OK, well, I take that back, it could, but I feel like crap right this minute, so indulge me.

And yes, I am still nursing my 14-month-old, and I’m going to go all on the defensive now because I already get a lot flak for it (despite the AAP and WHO recommendations) and I really don’t need any more. So comments are closed on this entry. Don’t take it personally, I just don’t have the energy to deal with negative comments.