Carolyn Sylvia October 24, 2004, 1:59 PM 6 lbs. 13 oz. 19.5 inches |
She’s here! We just got home today, and we’re all doing well. Her birth did not go quite as “planned” – someday I might write about it, but not tonight. Suffice it to say that despite everyone’s best efforts things ended in a c-section…which is why we just got home today. Actually, we were afraid we’d never get home, because we’d planned to leave at 2, and we didn’t get out of there until long after 3. I fed her at 12:30 (a 45 minute process because she tends to fall asleep eating). And then I fed her at 1:30. And then I fed her again at 2:30. Finally, at 3:15, she finally calmed down enough to put her in her carseat, which promptly made her scream again. We decided we could handle a little screaming and practically ran down to the car, stuck her in, and prayed that the car would work it’s baby sleepy magic, which it thankfully did. Otherwise, I’m sure we’d still be there, feeding her.
Her eyes are somewhat more slate grey or brown-grey than the normal newborn blue, and her hair is brownish, although in some lighting it looks a little reddish – the nurses called it auburn, but I’m not sure I believe them. Of course, the nurses also told me that she’s the cutest baby ever, and I do believe that. :) She has incredibly long fingers, so I’m holding out hope that she’ll be able to play piano way better than I can!
We haven’t decided if we’re sticking with Carolyn, or using Carrie, or any of the other pet names we’ve used so far: Carrie Bear (actually, we never called her that – Denis misheard something I said), Hobbit Child (her hair was a mass of curls before her first bath, and she eats a lot), Froggie (those skinny little legs!), Pumpkin, Angel, Troublemaker…um, yeah, the list is endless.
The doggies are thrilled that we’re home, and seem to be adapting to life with a baby pretty well. After an initial barking fiesta (which didn’t bother Carolyn at all) everything has calmed down and the doggies seem to know that this particular baby is staying. That could be the result of all the baby stuff that has been invading the house for the past several weeks! Denis really never got the chance to bring home a blanket for them to sniff, so, that didn’t go as planned either.
I think what we’re learning here is that things with a baby just can’t be planned! But despite that, we’re totally thrilled, and having fun getting to know our beautiful daughter. And now I need to go, because – guess what? – she’s hungry again…