OK, so, I know I haven’t blogged in a while. It’s really a long (boring) story, mostly involving the fact that my house was (still is) a disaster and it needed to not be. To give you an idea, we haven’t had furniture in our family room for the past 5 days…but that’s a story for tomorrow…
To start with, Lisa had her baby on Saturday. I was originally the designated baby sitter for Henry, but then I became the designated driver-to-the-hospital for Lisa. Which was cool, because I got a sneak preview of the whole admissions process (boy, do they ask a lot of questions!) and where to go – and how to get to the hospital in the first place – for my turn in October.
Jenny had a second wedding reception Saturday evening at a local art gallery, which was a fun little party. (Mmm. Candy sushi…) Unfortunately, by that time of the evening, my feet hurt too much to take advantage of the art gallery tour.
We also bought a car on Saturday. In honor of Sammy’s birthday, we got a blue car. Actually, it’s a 2005 Subaru Outback wagon, and it’s atlantic blue. (And it’s my very first new car!) We just picked it up tonight, and if I hadn’t been so busy driving it around, I may have gotten home enough before dark to take a picture. Oh, well. You can go here to see it on Subaru’s site. This car is replacing our old Ford Escort wagon, which we’ve only had for 2 1/2 years. It needed lots of work, and it’s a ’97, and, well, we figured we needed a larger family car that we could trust for long haul trips. (Hear that, baby? We bought you a car already!) Anyway. Bye, little blue (green) wagon, we’ll miss you. Sort of. Well, the new car is much nicer, so we probably won’t miss you too long…