My house is a disaster. I think I have too much stuff…and I’m not talking yarn stash here, either. I decided to sign up for the FlyLady emails, figuring that any amount of direction is better than none when it comes to decluttering. I’ve only been getting the email for half a day, and it’s sort of funny and sort of annoying – we’ll see if I like it enough to stick with it. I’d really like to reduce the amount of stuff that’s crammed into every nook and cranny in the house, preferably before the holidays. (Just not the yarn!)
To that end, I spent an hour going through three drawers yesterday: my sock drawer, which yielded several pairs of socks that I can’t remember having worn for years; my long-sleeved shirt drawer, which contained turtlenecks I haven’t worn since moving into this house*; and my…um….unmentionables…drawer, which actually just needed to be straightened up. Now I can put away the socks and shirts I actually wear, instead of keeping them in (folded) piles near my dresser. Yay!
Of course, I still have a laundry basket full of sweaters that won’t fit in my armoire due to the large volume of sweaters already in there. And I do wear most of them…deciding which ones I can part with is going to be a bigger challenge, and I’m saving that for another rainy day.
*How do I know I haven’t worn those shirts since I moved in? Well, you know how people have different folding styles? Some of them were still folded the way my helpful unpackers did them when we moved in. :) Hopefully they’ll keep someone else warm this winter: they’re going in a box down to the salvation army bin this evening!