All I Can Say Is…

…my poor, poor nephew. :)

I have another niece! That brings the total to 1 nephew, 5 nieces. Murphy’s law, of course, was in effect, so Michelle Eva waited until after we’d left the area to make her appearance.

Happy Cinco De Mayo!

No, I didn’t drop off the face of the earth – we just went out of town for the weekend. This time, I had perfectly wonderful internet access…and didn’t take advantage of it to blog. :D Instead, I played with stickers with my 3 1/2-year-old niece.

We went down to NYC for the twins’ baptism. Unlike Jenny’s and Tina’s recent visit, we didn’t hit any good restaurants or see anyone famous. We did, however, go to Stew Leonards, which seemed kind of like a country-western themed Wegmans with animatronics and a petting zoo. I kind of wish I’d brought my camera!

I did take pictures of all the kids (4 nieces, 1 nephew, and another one on his or her way any day now!) which I will someday get around to uploading to Ofoto. In the meantime, 6 hours of sitting in the car followed by doggy obedience has totally wiped me out, and I’m going to go find my toothbrush and go to bed!

I Need An Ark

We’re in the middle of a huge storm right now… Lightning, thunder, the works. Neat. ;)

Keep your fingers crossed – if the power and internet go down, then I can spend the afternoon knitting!

Too. Damn. Cold.

Is there any particular reason that it has to be snowing? It’s late April, for heaven’s sake! It’s almost enough to make me want to move. Except then I’d have to pack up all my stuff. I think it would take two moving trucks: one for my craft room, and one for the rest of the house.

On second thought, maybe I’ll just go knit another sweater. :)

Happy Easter!

Hope the Easter Bunny was good to you! I played 7:30 mass this morning (which, if you ask me, is inhumane) and spent the day with family. Now I’m sitting here stuffed full of Grandma’s yummy dinner, watching Iron Chef on the Tivo, and I can barely keep my eyes open…

Movie Mania

Denis brought home the Harry Potter 2 DVD last night – we never managed to get out and see it at the theater. It’s a good movie. I actually liked it better than the first movie, at least on first viewing.

He also bought me the Beauty and the Beast special edition DVD. (Yes, I’m a closet Disney movie fanatic. I even have a collection of Disney movie mugs.) We didn’t watch that one last night – partly because HP2 is almost three hours long, and partly because for some bizarre reason the guys weren’t interested.

Isn’t my husband sweet?

Time Warp

Between travelling over the weekend, daylight savings time, and taking yesterday off to deal with the aftermath of the storm, I am so mixed up about what day it is. I keep thinking it’s Monday, but then it feels like it ought to be Friday. Maybe by the end of the week I’ll figure it out.

Murphy’s Law

I suppose it’s appropriate that we have a dog named Murphy when Murphy’s Law seems to be the ruling influence in our lives.

We managed to get our hands on a generator while we were down in NYC. We managed to cram it into the Jetta. We managed to figure out how to get it running, despite the pathetically obtuse user manual. After we managed to do all that, within ten minutes, the power came back on.

But, wait! Two hours later, it was back down, and seemed like it would be staying that way. So, my dad (being an electrical engineer) patched the generator into the circuit breaker box so we could run the furnace – at that point, everyone was heartily sick of being cold – and moments after he flipped the switch, the power came back up.

Isn’t it ironic? But I guess the generator did fulfill a purpose…we have power. :)

Into the Great Unknown

When we left home, there was a quarter of an inch of ice on the trees, and some of the branches which hang over the driveway brushed the roof of the car as we drove out…

…apparently, those same branches were at one point coated in an inch of ice, and touched the driveway itself.

There are a couple of trees down on our property, and no electricity…which means no sump pump. I haven’t spoken with my parents yet today, so I have no idea what the situation is this morning. It should be an interesting day, and it may be a day or two before we have power and cable…and internet. I’m happy we boarded the dogs – they have a generator. Good thing knitting is something I can do by candle-light!