Wow! I ordered a lens kit for my DC4800 off of the Kodak online store on Tuesday, and I got it yesterday! I can’t wait until I have some time to really play with it. The kit contains two close-up lenses, a wide angle lens, and a telephoto lens, along with some chintzy pouches (probably not necessary anyway, since they have covers and they’ll be tucked safely into a camera bag). Maybe now I’ll actually do something with the photography section of my site. After Guys and Dolls is over, that is.
Dear Santa
I was flipping through the catalogs I got in the mail for gift ideas. Somehow I got on Victoria’s Secret mailing list – I do like their flannel pajamas – so I started browsing their catalog…and I found the $10,000,000 bra and panty set. Can I ask a really dumb question? Why? This seems to be such a bizarre thing to spend so much money on. Gosh, I’d rather just have the 10 million dollars – think of how many skeins of yarn that would buy…
Is it broken yet?
Well, I had to take a break from my mystery Christmas knitting projects, so…I updated my site more. Lots more. It might have broken (I’ve only checked it on one operating system, one browser). If it did break, let me know, please? And, I hate to be a pain, but if you have bookmarks, please update them. Thank you!
Time to put down the laptop and resume knitting. Only 44 days until Christmas…
Reading Material
Seen in my parents’ powder room: Bug-Proofing Visual Basic. I mean, we’ve always had National Geographic magazines, and then Dilbert books got added to the mix…but this… Is it any wonder that I turned out to be such a nerd? What do normal people keep in their bathrooms as reading material?
Changes, changes, everywhere…
All I planned to do was add some stuff to the music page… But somehow, I decided it would be a good idea to change the structure of my site a bit. All I’ve done so far is change my journal location to a directory. I’ll probably do this with the rest of the major sections of the site. Right now, though, my battery is running low, and I don’t feel like finding my laptop plug, so it will have to wait until tomorrow. (But check out the music page – there’s some info about my upcoming performances!)
Quoted & Sleepy
I’ve been quoted! Pretty neat. Other than that, I’m having a blah day, despite the gorgeous sunshine and the promise of slightly warmer weather. I think I need to start going to bed earlier. I’m just too sleepy to be in a good mood!
Lip Balm Obsession
Ever since I started playing horn again, I’ve been obsessing over lip balm. Let’s see… I have a tube in my horn case, one in my coat pocket, one in my knitting bag, one on the kitchen counter, and one in my laptop bag. I can’t go three minutes after a rehearsal or practicing without putting on chapstick. This is probably not healthy…especially since I recently found a Chapstick flavor, vanilla mint, which is quite lovely. I don’t know, though, is wearing lip balm constantly any worse than wearing lipstick?
Voting Rights
I try very hard to exercise my right to vote, but this year it’s going to be tough. I lean towards being a Democrat, which means as the uninformed voter that I am (I know, that’s bad), I tend to vote along party lines. For one of the state assembly seats up for grabs this year, though, the Democratic candidate has managed to annoy me to the point where I wouldn’t vote for her if she were the last politician on earth. Seriously, we’ve gotten about 20 mailings, three recorded messages, and two door-to-door visits (thankfully, we weren’t home either time). The irony of it is, if she’d never sent a thing to our house, I would have voted for her, since she’s the Democratic candidate. Now I have to go read up on the other candidates. I suppose while I’m there, I’ll check out the rest of the races, too, and maybe be slightly better informed this year. :P
Finally updated…
Well, now that it’s practically winter, I finally updated the little pictures on my blog to be more fall-like. Oops. :)
Happy Halloween!