No new blue sofa yet. :( There was a mix-up and it didn’t get into the system right. The earliest it will be delivered is Wednesday. It may work out for the best, though, since after re-measuring I realized that the way I rearranged the room won’t fit with the sofa, chair and ottoman we bought. We’re going to try to get them to exchange the chair & ottoman for a loveseat – considering the furniture isn’t even on the truck, yet, it shouldn’t be a problem. I hope. Otherwise, I’m going to have to totally rearrange the room again, and I’m really starting to like the way it works right now.
I’m Really Still Here!
No, I didn’t go on vacation like Jenny and Tina. I’ve just been very busy at work and spending evenings cleaning and buying furniture and fabric. :) I’m getting my new blue sofa tomorrow. Yay! And last night I bought about a million yards (ok, only 14) of pretty new fabric for curtains. Thank goodness for the 50% off coupons Jo-Ann’s sends me. How can people afford this stuff otherwise?!? The curtain fabric is very sheer, and I got a more solid version of it to make a few pillows from. I’ll post pics of the fabric eventually. It might take a while to figure out how to make curtains, since I was just too cheap to spend $25 on a book that outlined it in detail… Especially considering that was almost half of what I spent on the fabric — after the 50% discount. But I think I’ll still make out better in the end than if I bought good quality curtains at the store – can you buy nice long panels with a valance for $35 per window? I haven’t even looked…
New Arrival
Lisa & Mike’s new baby, Henry, finally made an appearance last night (15 days late!) I can’t wait to go meet him tonight! :)
Besides that, I have lots of stuff to blog about, but I have too much actual work to do today…
It’s Raining, It’s Pouring
Which means I don’t have to water anything today! (It’s the simple things in life that make me happy.) In other, knitting-related, news: I gave in and bought the yarn for my afghan last night. Even though I haven’t even started my sweater sleeves. Oops. :) But it was as a reward to myself for doing something I didn’t want to do, so does it count as cheating? Besides, I’m completely stuck right now on the sleeves – I can’t decide whether to have the flared cuffs like the pattern calls for or not, and I have to decide that before I start the sleeves. I just keep thinking of how annoyed I get when I’m wearing a watch or a bracelet while playing piano or typing, and I don’t know if the sleeves would annoy me, too… So I’ll think about it for a while before I start them.
More Books!
As if I didn’t have enough knitting books, I ordered four more from Amazon last night – mostly due to looking up the link for the “Knitting with Dog Hair” book. That “page you made” feature on Amazon is evil – it keeps showing you things you want but would never know existed if they didn’t point them out to you…I know, that’s the point, but still… Actually, if you look at the books and magazines in my craft room, a very small percentage are knitting – they’re mostly crochet, cross-stitch and quilting books. So, it’s about time I added to my knitting collection. (Excuses, excuses.) Now I just have to finish the sleeves on my sweater before they arrive so I don’t get caught up in a new project!
I can’t decide whether to block my sweater pieces. I’m done with the front and the back, and have been toying with the idea of sewing those together before starting the sleeves, mostly to double-check that it will fit. But seeing as it’s chenille yarn, I’m not sure how to go about blocking it. Will it flatten? It’s acrylic – will the iron melt it? I suppose I should test it on my swatch first, but that woud require patience…of which I’m in short supply lately. Any knitters out there have any ideas?
I finally finished another block in the quilt! I decided to put down my knitting for an evening, since I’m about half-done with the front of the sweater (I promise I’ll post some pics soon!) and I was very far behind on my quilt. This block gave me a lot of trouble, both because it’s very small, detailed pieces, and because I didn’t like some of the fabrics, so I’m very happy it’s done! I do like how it eventually came out, though. Which is good, since it’s going to be right at eye level (for me, anyway) when the quilt is hanging on the wall, and it would drive me crazy if it came out badly!
I got my archives working again. Of course, it probably wasn’t worth staying up this late for. Oh, well…
Life’s Mysteries
Seen in the content list of the bottle of new hand lotion I bought for my desk: “Water (Aqua)” Is that aqua colored water? Were they trying to translate it to Spanish but didn’t know how to spell it? Or is there some new “brand” of water out there called “Aqua”? Of course, compared to the rest of the scary-sounding list of things this contains, I’m probably better off not knowing what’s in my lotion… At least it smells good – it’s black cherry & nutmeg flavored – and makes my hands softer.
No, You May *Not* Have My Address…
Whenever I try to buy something from Radio Shack, they try to insist that if I someday wanted to return something, they need my street address. Quite frankly, I would never return anything to that store, if only to keep my address out of their database. I’m tired of having five trees worth of junk mail showing up in my mailbox every day, and I don’t need any more. Last night the clerk actually got angry with me when I questioned why they needed my address. My big mistake, though, was using my credit card – now they probably can get my address. So much for my grand plan to foil their marketing schemes…