I bought Carolyn’s birthday present today.
I’m so excited and can hardly wait to give it to her!

Carolyn has had eight weeks of piano lessons now, and today finished her Level 1 book! Her teacher has to postpone the fall schedule until late October, so I’m going to work with her in the beginning of the Level 2 book. So far she knows “C position”, and can play music that steps along in either hand (one at a time) on the grand staff. Next she’s going to start learning intervals. I am so impressed with how much she’s learned in just a few short weeks!
I am so proud of Carolyn! She had her second piano lesson today, and it’s really obvious that she’s been practicing daily (mostly without prompting). Her piano teacher was pretty pleased with her progress.
Carolyn has been asking to learn how to play piano for a while, and I went out and bought a couple of beginner books, and tried to work through them with her. I’ve discovered that while I am very proficient at playing piano, I am absolutely terrible at teaching piano.
A friend recommended her teacher, who conveniently lives just a few minutes away, and Carolyn had her first lesson today. How exciting!
I’ve really enjoyed every show I’ve worked on, but I have to say, this is the first time I’ve ever wished we had a two week run. I think I can honestly say this is the best musical experience I’ve ever participated in. I am going to miss sitting at the Steinway, surrounded by the cellos, playing this wonderful music.
Carrie came to the matinee this afternoon, and was very excited to see some of her school friends there. She got to take a backstage tour and then went out and met some of the cast. The funny thing is that she’s met all these kids before, but with them in their full costumes and makeup she was all of a sudden very shy about talking to them. And then I let her play the Steinway. Because, really, how many three-year-olds get that opportunity?
Did I mention how much I’m going to miss playing that piano?
Well, I guess technically it’s not summer yet, but we had our final concert of the season this evening. This is the one we always try to do in a local park, but usually it’s raining. Tonight, however, the weather was perfect. It was a great way to wrap up the season.
I’m a little sad, because the director – who’s been with the community band since the beginning seven years ago – is stepping down. I’ve only been with the band for four years, but he was also one of the band directors in my high school, so I’ve known him for a while. It will be very hard for someone to take his place!
West Side Story is finished. As usual, a happy and sad thing – as much as I really, truly hated the accompaniment in the beginning, it kind of grew on me, and I actually got pretty good at playing it, too. And it really seemed like a very large proportion of the cast and the pit were seniors this year, so next year will be mostly new faces. (Always assuming they ask me back, of course!)
But I am looking forward to getting back to putting Carrie to bed in the evenings, and eating dinner at home more often than not!
And I’ll get back to doing some knitting just as soon as my wrists forgive me for playing 6 full shows in 5 days…
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat finished last night. I really loved playing in it, and as usual I’m a little sad to see it end. I’m not sad to see the double rehearsals go – I ate so many dinners in my car the past few weeks that I’ve forgotten what it’s like to eat dinner with my family, at a table.
Now I just have West Side Story to do. So, you’ll excuse me while I go practice the Mambo now…oh, and I have to work on Cool, Tonight, Office Krupke…actually, I should really just go practice the whole show. Several times. With a metronome…
Because West Side Story isn’t enough of a challenge (you know I’m kidding, right?) I agreed to play in the orchestra for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat for another school. I had never seen or heard this show before last week, so I got the soundtrack from the library and netflixed the movie. I adore it. How did I get to be 31 years old without ever having seen it?!?
But, two shows = twice as many rehearsals. Today is only the second day back from winter break for both shows, and I’m already wondering what I’ve gotten myself into. And did I mention there’s a band concert coming up at the end of next month…? At least I’m not the rehearsal accompanist for Joseph, I’m just playing the second keyboard part.
And now, I really need to go practice. West Side Story, that is. Have I mentioned how insanely, evilly difficult this music is? I just got back from the most humiliating orchestra rehearsal of my life – I couldn’t even pick out one line to plunk out just to keep time for half of those songs, and in a few short days the kids are going off CD and I have to play for all the dance rehearsals. Do you think if I put my ipod on repeat for that album and keep my headphones on all night I’ll wake up knowing how to play everything…?
I’m fairly certain that Leonard Bernstein was under the influence of something when he wrote out the piano part to West Side Story. (To be fair, according to wikipedia he had assistants, so maybe it was one of them.) In the prologue, there is a piano solo. A solo which the orchestra director has assured me is really, truly necessary. The prologue is played at approximately 120 bpm. In the space of 4 beats (2 seconds) I have to play a B-flat major run up three scales, plus a few half steps at the end. So I literally have to play 7 notes in a half a second three times in a row, and then 6 more notes in a half a second.
I have practiced this 2 second snippet of music for hours so far, and the best I can do is about half-tempo – and that’s with plenty of mistakes. I think I need to hire a stunt double!