We had a World Wide Knit in Public Day event today for the shop, and knit in the park. It was so very much fun!

This weekend is the annual fiber festival put on by our local spinning guild. Our shop has a big booth there, so it’s a working weekend for me!
Bits of our booth:
Denis and his parents (here for a visit) brought the girls to the festival this afternoon for a bit. Their new rainbow sweaters apparently generated lots of comments!
The sweater is done! Look:
I can’t believe I knit a whole sweater in 17 days, that not only fits but looks really great on me too. :)
Hello there, I’m Bizzy Sheep…OK, not really, but I’m knitting an entire sweater during the Olympics as Bizzy Sheep (from our Dizzy Sheep daily deal website). I have to be crazy, but the yarn, the pattern, and even the buttons conspired to make me temporarily lose my mind and agree to do this. It’s the yarn fumes, I tell you.
Dizzy Sheep is going on a voyage, à la Flat Stanley, to visit various friends around the country. I made him a little travel case, and we had a little bon voyage party this evening.
If all goes as planned, he’ll be traveling until the fall!
Our anniversary sale is going on this week, so we packed up the kids and all went to the shop so I could be there all day – Anna’s still nursing a few times a day, so I can’t really leave her for an entire Saturday.
While Denis and the girls were hanging out on the couches, Anna took her first couple of teeny-tiny steps. Of course, she wouldn’t repeat it, but she did it, which means it’s only a matter of time before she’s running after Carrie!
My brother needed to borrow a sheep for a photo shoot, so I lined up all the sheep I could round up in our house in 10 minutes and took a picture so he could decide which one he wanted. This does not count the beanie baby lamb I found moments later, the second Gund baa-ing sheep that was hiding in Carrie’s room, or any of the other fiber-bearing stuffed toys in the house (there are at least two llamas floating around somewhere). Plus there are three more Little People sheep with the Little People nativity set. Oh, and some Lego Duplo ones I completely forgot about…!
I think we have quite a few sheep.
The shop has a new online component – a deal of the day website for yarn!
Anna went to her first fiber festival today. I don’t think she was too impressed with the fibery beasts (she slept right through seeing any of them) but she loved all the colors we saw. Some of those colors came home with us:
Clockwise from 12:00 – Black Cherry Panda Bamboo yarn from Spininng Bunny, Mixed Berries alpaca/wool/nylon tie-dye sock yarn from Golden Oak Alpacas, Salvia 100% merino superwash fingering weight yarn from Pollywogs Yarn and Fiber, Leaves Panda Bamboo yarn from Spinning Bunny, 12 oz. Cassis merino top from Cloverleaf Farms, and finally, an unknown content batt from a shop I didn’t catch the name of…I think I accidentally fell down and bought it so it wouldn’t become “The Batt That Got Away”!
Carolyn’s favorite part was the sheep! And the alpacas! And the llamas! I think if we could have passed it off as a dog she would have taken one of the tiny little Shetland sheep home with us. We added to Carrie’s collection of fibery stuffed animals with a handsome chocolate llama, and started Anna’s collection wth a floppy lamb lovey with a fuzzy tummy. Aren’t they cute?
Next month: Rhinebeck. Because, you know, I need more wool like I need a hole in the head…well, actually, one can never have enough wool.
(More pictures from the festival can be found here – Kodak Gallery album, requires sign-in.)
The yarn shop has been open for one entire year! To celebrate we’re having a big sale through the end of the month. If you’re local and love yarn and fiber, stop by!