“Oh, Man!”

I hate to say it, but it’s entirely possible that Anna has watched one too many episodes of Dora.  After puzzling it over for a while, I’m pretty sure that what she’s been going around all morning saying is, “Oh, Man!”  And the only time she would have ever heard that phrase would have been on Dora.

I think there are probably worse things she could be saying.  Right?

A-Calling We Will Go

Anna got ahold of my cell phone today while we were at the shop and I was helping a customer.  I noticed her with it and heard a few beeps, and when I took it away from her there was a text message with my balance on it.  I don’t have a text message plan, so that’s going to cost 15¢ or however much.  But it got even funnier ten minutes later:

Ring, ring…
me: “Hello?”
Denis: “What’s up?”
me: “I don’t know, you called me – what’s up?”
Denis: “No…I’m returning your call.  You called me a little while ago.”
me: “…uh, when exactly?”
Denis: “A little after one.”
me: “Well, apparently your baby wanted to talk to you, because *she* dialed the phone!”

So in the space of a couple of minutes my 14 month old managed to check the balance on my phone and call her father.  I’d better hide the credit cards!


Anna adores seeing her big sister off on the bus, and will wave and say “buh-buh!” after the bus pulls away.

20090925_bus_excitementBut even more adorable is watching her reaction in the afternoon when she sees the bus coming down the street.  Her little legs start kicking and she squeals with laughter.  It makes my heart melt.

Bathing Baby

When Carrie was too big for the baby bathtub, we switched to an inflatable duck tub. But now the girls get baths together, and that’s just not going to work with a giant inflatable tub taking up most of the bathtub. So we went out and bought a bath ring so Anna could safely sit up in the big tub and still have the freedom to splash and play. She adores baths now!


Bumbo Baby

I found a used Bumbo seat on craigslist a week or so ago. Anna seems to like it, and it’s especially useful when we take Carrie to dance class – I don’t have to either carry a stroller down to the basement or juggle holding Anna while changing Carrie into her dance things. I just carry this very light seat down with us and plop Anna in it.


Somehow I can’t see it lasting for too long – she can already lean all the way over and get at stuff on the floor – but if it gets us through to when Anna can stay on her feet when put down for a bit that will be good enough.