Carolyn had her third grade concert this evening. (Since she’s in a 2/3 multi-age class, she’s in the concert as a 2nd grader – she won’t be in it next year.) The kids did a fabulous job, and the concert was beautiful!

Every year, the primary school holds a father daughter spring dance. Usually it starts in 1st grade, but the youngers in the K/1 class are also invited.
It sounds like everyone had a good time, though from the video snippets that Denis took it really looks like the girls were all doing line dances while the dads stood around the edges of the gym looking vaguely uncomfortable and bored…
But hey, at least Carrie got to wear her flower girl dress a second time!
Oh! And we got a note home today about a multiage play coming up in a little over a week. Carrie is playing the lamb in “Mary Had a Little Lamb” (the play is a collection of Mother Goose rhymes) and I have to make a costume. So the knitter’s daughter is going to be a lamb and needs a costume…no pressure…
Even big, grown-up kindergartners still get to wear PJs to school!
And on a half-day, of course, so we had to go out to lunch after. With Carrie still in PJs. Surprisingly few people gave us strange looks…
And another first: Carrie’s first snow day off from school. Between a superintendent’s day, the trip, February break, the past three days when she’s been out sick, and today’s snow day, she’s attended school for 6 days in February. (To be fair, there have only been 13 days when school was actually in session, but still…)
And although I appreciate not having to listen to a long list of school closings on the radio, why does the automated call notifying the parents of a snow day happen at 5:56 AM? The bus doesn’t come until 8:30, surely they could have waited until 7 or so before ringing the phone?
Carrie is out sick from school today, her first actual sick day this year. Definitely tomorrow too. Poor kid.