We tried out the pool today. It was a tad bit chilly. OK, maybe more than a tad bit. But the girls had fun!
Swimming Fun!
Just Keep Swimming…
Carolyn passed Red Cross Learn to Swim Level 1 today! I am so impressed with the amount of hard work she put in to her class these past two weeks – her water confidence has improved by leaps and bounds, and just today she was jumping off of our backyard pool’s diving board with only a life vest on. (She started out with two noodles. Then one. Then realized that she could probably do it with no noodles. Which she did. Repeatedly.)

And Anna’s new-found confidence in the water, while exhausting, is fun too. She “pedals” all around the pool in her little yellow Puddle Jumper life vest, “as fast as I can pedal!”

As hard as it is to spend the better part of the morning getting ready for and at swimming lessons every single day for four solid weeks, I think it’s well and truly worth it!

My Little Swimmers
It’s been hot here. Really hot. No-air-outside-to-breathe hot.
So we invited a few friends over to swim this afternoon, and had tons of fun. I don’t know why I don’t do this more often…

And Anna, who had earned the nickname “barnacle baby” since she clings to you with a death grip in the pool, suddenly realized that her life vest will, in fact, keep her afloat. And she started “peddling” (her word) around the pool like a little fish. All over the pool, including in the deep end. With me following.
I am exhausted.
Girls Gone Swimming!
Well, sort of.

Carolyn took full advantage of her lesson time, while Anna sat on the side of the pool and dabbled her toes in the water. Considering it was her very first non-parent-participation class, at least she got through it without tears or trauma. Maybe tomorrow she’ll get her feet wet?
1 swimming lesson day down, 19 more to go…