
sarah's random musings

neat blogs

Note: So as not to slight any of my friends, this list starts in a random place each time the page is loaded

other sites I read

Crazy Apple Rumors
For Better or For Worse
User Friendly

what's up?

  • Whatever the TiVo records
  • The Salmon of Doubt -- Douglas Adams
  • The Silmarillion -- J.R.R. Tolkien
listening to:
  • The Into the Woods Soundtrack
  • Harry Potter legos (well, ok just the train set)
  • a mood watch
  • new furniture!

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Thursday, June 28, 2001

The Wall Disaster, Update

Well, aside from the fact that the trim looks bad now that the walls are freshly painted, I'm done. I will never, as long as I live, do that again! Right. At least until next time. But it looks great! I've never done any "faux finish" techniques before...why are they "faux" anyway? I mean, it looks real to me. We'll see if Denis notices tomorrow - it is drastically different from the wallpaper that was up there - but he's, well, a guy. :) Molly, however, has definitely noticed. Once I finally let her in the foyer, she spent 20 minutes just sniffing around each corner, as though she'd never been in the room before. Of course, she had the same reaction to the pool this afternoon, and it took my brother Dan and me several tries to get her to jump in. It's not like she's never been in the pool before. Go figure.

posted by Sarah Reilly 10:55 PM -

Wednesday, June 27, 2001

The Wall Disaster
(or, how to redecorate while your spouse is away)

OK, so it was a stupid idea in the first place. After all, if I were the one going on a business trip, he'd probably just hang out and play computer games or something fun like that. When I think of all the wonderful quilts I might have finished by now, I wonder what on earth I was thinking. But I really wanted to change the (awful) wallpaper in my foyer. Simple enough, right? I've had some experience taking down wallpaper and repainting, after all. But, everything that could go wrong, has. Now I'm stuck with primed walls, with paint blistering all over the place (why???) and two evenings left before Denis gets back from Japan. Hmmm... Well, maybe he'll be too jet-lagged to notice. :)
posted by Sarah Reilly 2:05 PM -

A whole bunch of my friends have weblogs and it looks like such fun, so I decided to give it a try... I can't promise anything - after all, my journals growing up tended to last about a week before I got tired of keeping it up-to-date - but let's see what happens!
posted by Sarah Reilly 1:54 PM -