I was looking for a nice fall jacket for Carrie to wear now that the evenings are getting crisp. I looked everywhere for a heavy corduroy or fleece jacket that would still would fit in the carseat, but I couldn’t find one anywhere. What I did find were sweater-jackets. They were nice, but the only ones that came in Carrie’s size were off-white. So I started thinking, “Well, honestly, I could make one of those.” And then I thought, “Wait a minute, I did make one of those!”

All it needed was buttons. Remember when I posted about the buttons choices two years ago? I wasn’t in love with either choice, but I was determined to just sew buttons – any buttons – on the sweater. I couldn’t find either set of those buttons, but I did find that my button box had gained four of the perfect size, color and style buttons sometime in the last two years. Carrie watched me sew them on excitedly, and was more than willing to let me put the sweater on her when I was done. It fits perfectly, and Carrie loves it!