I finished the first Jaywalker sock!

I finished it Wednesday night…technically it might have been Thursday morning when I grafted the toe closed. I was slightly worried about whether I’d have enough yarn to make the second sock, since the skein was feeling a bit lighter than the sock, but I weighed them both (I used the scale at the post office, they must think I’m nuts) and the sock weighed in at 1.5 oz., leaving 2 oz. to knit the second sock. Since I’m actually all lined up at the perfect spot in the color sequence I’ll even have some leftover. Probably not enough to make baby-sized jays though. Now I just have to find the motivation to cast on the second sock.
And remember the garterlac dishcloth I started? I finished that one and made another:

The one on the right was sitting in my dishcloth basket just needing the ends woven in. I think it’s interesting to see how the variegated yarn looks in the two dishcloths – I personally prefer the way it turned out in the entrelac block, but they’re both pretty.
Your Jaywalker sock looks really good! I started one but managed to break a couple of needles in the process. I almost got to the heel, tried it on, didn’t like it so ripped it out.
I really like the entrelac block dishcloth. The way the variegated yarn makes it look complicated.
That is one of the prettiest Jaywalkers I’ve ever seen – and I’ve seen lots of them!