We’ve been slowly but surely getting rid of the clutter in our house. During the week Denis took off between jobs we made a huge dent in the amount of stuff that was packed into every crevice in the basement. Since then I’ve been randomly cleaning out kitchen cabinets and drawers. It’s actually starting to become addictive to get rid of things.
Today we tacked our closet. I didn’t even take a before picture, because I’d be beyond embarrassed if anyone saw what it looked like before. It’s not done yet, but we do have three very large bags of clothes to donate, another very large bag of trash, and yet another very large bag of…shoes. My feet grew a whole size while I was pregnant, and they haven’t shrunk back yet. Since it’s been almost three years since I could wear these shoes, I think it’s time to let them go to someone who could use them.
I’m almost embarrassed to say how many pairs of shoes are in that bag, and I know there’s a box of sneakers and boots in the basement besides those. Ready? 15. Yep, I used to have 15 pairs of shoes (not including six or so pairs of sneakers and boots) that fit my feet. Now, including every type of shoe from sandals to dress shoes to boots, I have 7. Definitely a better number.
But I did find something sad. Remember my purple fuzzy feet? The ones that Murphy chewed and I spruced up? They don’t fit anymore. I guess it’s time to knit some new ones! With some suede bottoms I could end my quest for new slippers, as someone suggested in the comments of my last post.
Happily, we found quite a bit of rolled change in the bottom of the closet, which will be put towards a fancy new closet organizer so we don’t wind up with such a messy closet again!