I’m probably the last knitting blogger in the world to try knitting the pomatomus socks from Knitty. But, really, what else could this mostly blue (but with a tiny hint of teal) sock yarn become?

I’m still trying to decide whether I love the striping effect, but since it’s relatively subtle I think it will work. This is 1 1/2 repeats of the 22 pattern rows (which is a really complicated way to say 33 rows), so halfway to the heel shaping. It’s really not as hard as I’d expected, but it definitely requires a lot more concentration than my typical toe-up ribbed socks do. (Look, I’m actually even using stitch markers!)
In other blue knitting news, I started swatching for the sweaters I’m planning to make. I’m using my new KnitPick’s needle set. At first I started with size 7 needles, and I’m getting gauge, but I’m worried that when I wash and block the swatch it will expand, so I thought I’d switch to size 6 needles for the second half of the swatch…except. One of the size 6 tips doesn’t actually stay on the cable, the hole that’s supposed to thread onto the cable is too big. Luckily, KnitPick’s customer service is as fabulous as their new needles, and they’re sending me out replacement tips free of charge and no questions asked. So, responsible swatching will have to wait a few days.