Just in time for last week’s cold snap, I finished knitting my mitten-gloves! And then I determined that the leftover yarn I was going to extend the scarf with looked enough different that it would be better to just bind off. So I hid all the ends on the whole set, and wore them to rehearsal the night it got down to 1°F (before wind chill).

Somehow, the hat is too short and too long at the same time. It doesn’t cover my ears, but I can’t wear it above my ears. I’m really tempted to rip it back and make it a bit longer (or shorter) but I also really want to be done with the project, since I’ve been working on it for two years! Other than that, I’m pretty happy with how it all turned out. Details are on project page.

In other knitting news, I finished my first Pomatomus sock. I really think this is the prettiest sock I’ve ever knit. So much so that I’m worried about starting the second. As far as I can tell, there is no place where the colors repeat on this yarn, so they won’t match. I don’t know why that matters to me – although I try to match socks with obvious repeats in the yarn, I don’t worry about it with variegated sock yarns – but it does. I guess I’m worried that I’ll be three quarters of the way through the second sock and finally find the repeat point. In which case, I wouldn’t rip it out, so I should just start it, right?