So, with a shop full of yarn at my disposal, how long did you think it would take me to start something new? Or, maybe, several somethings?
Let’s see. First I started the Omega Wrap, a möbius style wrap made with several different weights and textures of yarn. A good way to sample several different yarns I hadn’t worked with before!

And then…well…Carrie has pretty much outgrown the orange cabled hoodie from last fall. So I started her a green cabled jacket which may or may not have a hood – I haven’t decided yet. It’s the Duffle Coat from Zoe Mellor’s Double Knits book.

Finally, we had a couple of balls of this clearance yarn left, and I whipped up a scarf in a couple of hours and will turn the second ball into a hat. For Carrie of course!

Hopefully I’ll manage to finish these before something else tempts me! (Please let’s not discuss the other projects sitting around unfinished in my craft room…)