At Least There’s One Clean Kitchen In The House

I know they’re really just extras, but I always worry a little when I build some pre-fab something-or-other and end up with extra screws and such:


But look what I built! It took me a whopping 90 minutes, I think because I was using a screwdriver that wasn’t quite the right size – I had to really lean into it to avoid stripping the screws. I don’t understand why it is that whenever I need a flat head screwdriver I can only find phillips head, and vice versa. (This happens to me even with the three or four multiple bit screwdrivers we have in the house. The right bits always seem to be missing.)

This is the Target Play Wonder kitchen. It’s wood, and cheaper than most of the plastic ones, and conveniently enough (probably since I shop at Target a lot) it coordinates with all the toy storage and such in the living play room. (I had briefly considered ordering this fabulous kitchen, but since absolutely nothing else in my house is modern looking I just didn’t think it would work. I still love it, though.) The only thing I can see that warrants the “3 and up” rating is that the pegs to hold the shelves in the fridge and stove in place are removable. I think we’ll just end up gluing them in place, and that will solve that little problem.

Carrie spent the evening baking lego cookies and giving her baby a bath in the sink. I think it’s really interesting that she dug through her legos and found the two that are actually food items (a honey pot and a cake from a Winnie the Pooh set) and used those in the frying pan. I guess wooden play food would be a good birthday suggestion when people ask. :)

Dinner is Saved

I ordered and downloaded the Mega Menu Mailer from the Saving Dinner site on Friday. I’ve actually used one of their weekly menu mailers in the past, but because my parents live so close and we do spur-of-the-moment meals with them or just don’t feel like cooking sometimes a 6-meal-a-week shopping list and recipe plan just doesn’t work well for us. But this seems like it will work better: you prepare and freeze 20 meals, then defrost and use them when you feel like it.

So yesterday Carrie and I went shopping. We spent not quite twice what we’d normally spend in a week, so we’ll have to see with the next few grocery bills whether this is more or less expensive. (I’m going to guess it will be slightly less, but we’ll see.)

Denis and I spent a bit less than 6 hours while Carrie was napping and after she went to bed preparing the meals and cleaning up the kitchen. (We were pretty inefficient about it, but I seriously doubt anyone could possibly do it in the two hours the menu plan claims.) We had some extra meat and veggies, so we made a total of 24 meals. That works out to 15 minutes per meal of prep work and cleanup, which is less than you’d spend on each meal individually if you cooked every day. (Well, some of them were really super-easy, but others required a lot of chopping, measuring and dirtying of bowls.)

I think there will be two big benefits to doing this: first, we only messed up the kitchen (a lot, too!) once, and it’s all clean now; second, we’ll have creative, healthy meals even when we’re both tired from a whole day of work – and the temptation to go out will be much, much less.

We’re thinking we’ll go through three or four a week – they’re almost all meat-based, so we’ll throw in a batch of lentil soup or some pasta a couple of other days, and plan to eat out once a week – so I’ll know in about six weeks whether this was a good idea or not.

The Family That Watches Football Together…

…watches football together!

The Bills are playing a pre-season game tonight. They’re totally sucking, but that’s not my point. Carrie remembered that when you watch football you (sometimes) get to shout “Touchdown!” (arms up, of course) and was pretty excited to watch football. I wish I’d had a camera on a remote set up in the family room, because Denis, Carrie, Molly and I were all sandwiched on the couch, and Murphy was curled up on the ottoman we pulled up to put our feet on, and all of us were snuggled together watching football.

That lasted for an impressive 7 minutes.

Then Carrie decided Murphy wasn’t close enough to pet, and her antics to try to get to him disturbed Molly enough that she decided she’d had enough. Then Carrie wanted Molly to come back and “Lie down couch!” and…well, let’s just say the evening ended with Carrie crawling around pretending to be a puppy and the dogs going nuts. She was so wound up she’s still awake and kicking (literally – she’s kicking the side of her crib) almost an hour after I kissed her goodnight.

Puddle Jumpers!

T-chocpk-big-flower.jpgI just ordered Carrie the cutest pair of shoes for fall from Puddle Jumper Shoes. I was going to buy them at a local store which carries this line, but they don’t carry this particular style. However, I was able to try a similar style on Carrie and they fit really well and are super flexible, so I know we’ll love them. Hopefully it will be a much better experience than the last time I ordered shoes online!

Unfortunately, their toddler styles only go up to size 7 – Carrie’s current size – so if we love them we’ll just have to try some of their bigger kid styles.

Snow In August

It’s done.

Done! Finished! One of the oldest cross-stitch projects in my craft room is complete!


Now I just have to get it framed and that’s one less thing on my ever-expanding craft to-do list.

(Oh, and I finished Christmas gift #5 today. I don’t have a complete list of all the things I’m making yet, but I think I’m on track to be done with everything before Thanksgiving.)

Not The Mama!

Apparently, I am no longer “Mama”, I am “Mommy”. (Or sometimes “Mommies”.)

I’m actually a bit heartbroken over this, because Carrie’s been calling me “Mama” for so long I just assumed that’s what she’d always call me – well, at least until she’s a pre-teen and I become “Mo-om” (said in your best I-am-embarrassed-to-even-be-seen-within-ten-feet-of-you voice). I don’t think we even have any video clips where she called me “Mama”. :(

Interestingly enough, even though I am quite definitely “Mommy”, I still drink out of “Mama’s cup” and wear “Mama’s shoes”.


playdoh_fragrance.jpgCarrie got to play with play-doh for the first time yesterday. She absolutely adored it! Her favorite part was when I made a little worm for her, which she named “Slimy”. (I don’t know why, but aside from Elmo her favorite Sesame Street character is Slimy.) She also really liked using the blunt little knife that came with the play-doh to cut things I made into pieces.

Now I just have to figure out what I can make out of play-doh besides worms, snails and snowmen. I honestly can’t remember what I used to do with the stuff when I was little…

Oh, and just in case you really love the smell of play-doh, but don’t want to just go out and buy a container of it, there’s a limited edition play-doh fragrance you can buy. “Mmm, honey, you smell just like play-doh!”

Tote Bag Fabric

I finally picked out a pattern and some fabric to make the bag for my KSKS pal!

The middle fabric will be the outside of the bag, the blue fabric will be the lining, and the purple fabric will be the handles and a flap. There will be pockets, but I’m not sure which fabric or where. It’s going to be cute! I think I’ll make one for myself out of my fabric stash first to be sure I understand the pattern. It looks easy, but it’s been a while since I sewed anything.

Now I just have to clean out enough of my craft room to actually get to my sewing machine. Sigh. Someday I’ll stop using my craft room as a catch-all for all the junk I need to clean out of other rooms, and then it will always be clean.

Stunning Sock Yarn

I received my sock yarn order today. Wow. I mean, wow. Isn’t it gorgeous? And you can’t tell from the picture, but it’s incredibly soft and squishy, too.

The skein on the right is for my kit swap pal. The skein on the left…well, see, here’s what happened: I fell in love with the Nova Scotia colorway for my pal. The place where I found it had a minimum order, which was a mere $6 more than the yarn cost. I scoured the internet, looking for that particular colorway in that particular yarn anywhere else, with no luck. So what could I do besides order a second skein of yarn? (Don’t say order a $6 knitting accessory, because obviously I couldn’t do that when there was yummy sock yarn to be had!) So the skein on the left? It’s for me. (Yes, I know, I need to do penance or something. I have a sinful amount of sock yarn. This will not stop me from acquiring more.)