Mommy’s Little Brass Player

Last night I got out my horn to practice for tonight’s rehearsal. I probably shouldn’t admit this, but I hadn’t practiced at all in the two weeks since the last rehearsal. In fact, I hadn’t really played at home at all since…springtime? Maybe? Practicing is not my forté.

Anyway. Carrie was fascinated by the horn, and kept sticking her face up into the bell and saying “Hi Mommy!” into it. Finally she announced “Mine turn!” and tried to grab the horn away from me. So I showed her how to buzz her lips against the mouthpiece. Then I put the mouthpiece back into the horn and held it up to her mouth. And she buzzed perfectly and made a really nice sounding tone come out of it! She did it several other times in between playing with her toys, so it wasn’t an accident.

I wish they made kid-sized horns like they have kid-sized violins. I’d be totally willing to indulge her interest in the horn if it weren’t a) much too big for her to hold and b) much too expensive for me to replace now that we only have one income. I wonder if they still even start kids on the horn in fourth grade anymore?

“You ‘K?”

There are times I wish I had a tape recorder on the baby monitor. This is the conversation I heard this morning before I went in to get Carrie:

“Whoa, be careful! You ‘K?”
“Yeah, I ‘K.”
“Need kiss? (mwah!)”
“Thank you!”

I guess she was either talking to one of the triplets or was having two of them talk to each other.

Oh, and Carrie learned the word “mine” over the weekend. Now everything is “mine”. “Mine socks”, “mine apple”, “mine, mine, mine!” I guess it had to happen eventually! (She does know it’s “Mommy’s knitting”, though.)

Apple Picking!

This morning we went apple picking with Nana and Poppy. Carrie had a fabulous time riding in the wagon, riding on Poppy’s shoulders, picking and eating apples, and trying to pick up giant pumpkins.


For more pictures of our apple-picking adventures, click the picture above or just click here! (Kodak EasyShare Gallery, sign-in required.)

“Carrie more hungry!”

I think we’ve entered the land of bedtime delay tactics. Carrie is *just* falling asleep, two hours after we kissed her goodnight – the first time. First it was “Mommy, Carrie a diaper change!” which was legit. Then she was sobbing “Carrie more hungry” over and over. I decided to take her at her word – despite the fact that she ate well today – and bring her down for a few crackers. After a snack, some water, and a quick toothbrushing, she was back in her crib. A bit later, it was “Daddy, Carrie a diaper change!”, which turned out to not be necessary. A while after that she started screaming something about a boo-boo and needing ice. We didn’t find any boo-boos, of course. Finally, after one more desperate plea for a diaper change she finally settled down.

Total number of trips upstairs by both Denis and myself to get her down: 11. I really hope this is a fluke, because I am *so* not doing this tomorrow night!

Twenty-Three Months Old!

Dear Carolyn,

Today you are 23 months old, just one month away from your second birthday. I just realized today that I ought to get started on your birthday party plans, since I should send out invitations within the week!


In the past month you’ve started speaking in longer and longer sentences, and even stringing together two or three sentences at a time. You still refer to yourself in the third person most of the time, which I’m trying really hard not to blame on Elmo. And I’ve taught you the inelegant “yeah” as a response to everything instead of “yes”. I never realized that I said that so much until you started speaking just the way I do. Ah, well. At least it’s cute when you say it.

You’ve really started into the imaginative play thing. Not only do you pretend to be a mommy to your baby dolls and pretend to cook food in your kitchen – things you’ve been doing for a while – but you act things out with your little people and have your stuffed animals kiss and hug each other. You still like to build with legos, but you’re really into your kitchen and dolls right now. And I was trying so hard to avoid the girly stereotypes, buying you cars and balls and blocks. Sometimes I wonder if it might just be built into your brain to be a girly-girl, and whatever I do or don’t do won’t change that. (Not that there’s anything wrong with girly stuff, I just want to make sure you know that you can do or be whatever you want.)


You love to draw on your magna-doodle. You’ll scribble for a bit, say “Mommy, see that!” and tell me you drew an airplane, or a pumpkin, or a “2”. And if I squint and tilt my head just right, I can see what you’re seeing. I’m trying to remember to ask you to describe your picture, rather than saying “what’s that?” because I want to encourage your budding artistic ability. Just today, you started drawing circles too! Real, honest to goodness circles. It won’t be long until you have the fine motor control to knit…

Your last bottom tooth came in a couple of weeks ago, so you now have all but your two-year molars. You came with me to my dentist appointment last week and got to play with their bin of plastic bracelets and necklaces. After a bit you looked like Mr. T, you were covered with so much bling. Luckily, you were happy enough to help put everything away and just pick out one bracelet at the end.

Oh, and I tossed caution to the wind and gave you peanut butter this month. You absolutely love it, and now I feel guilty for having deprived you of it for so long. At this point the only thing we’re still holding off on (and will for probably another year) is shellfish. I also recently switched you to 2% milk from whole. It’s a little earlier than the pediatrician recommends, but you drink at most 6 oz. a day and I’m more comfortable giving you the BHT-free 2% vs. the non-BHT-free whole milk.


Sometimes I look at you and you’re acting so grown-up and independent I have to remind myself that you’re not even two yet. Other times…well, there’s no need for any reminders when you’re in the middle of a meltdown. You definitely want to have more control over your life than is necessarily good or safe at the moment. I don’t mind if you want to wear mismatched clothes or would prefer a PB&J sandwich to grilled cheese. The clash of wills comes when you refuse to hold my hand walking down the stairs or insist on a blue cup instead of the green cup you chose and I already poured your milk into. Those are the times I really try hard to remember that you’re not quite two and I’m the adult. Those are also the times when it’s a really good thing that you’re the cutest thing since mini-pumpkins. :)

Love, Mommy

More Carrie-isms

A couple more interesting words:

oh-pah-mee = oatmeal
lickurd = yogurt

Carrie’s also starting to say things like “Mommy, are you?!?” (as in “where are you?”, not “do you exist?”) and “Look-it!” The longest sentence I’ve heard from her was 5 words long (“Carrie sleep in Mommy bed?”), and she’s starting to string a couple of sentences together at a time now.

Orange Cabled Hoodie

I was looking for a nice fall jacket for Carrie to wear now that the evenings are getting crisp. I looked everywhere for a heavy corduroy or fleece jacket that would still would fit in the carseat, but I couldn’t find one anywhere. What I did find were sweater-jackets. They were nice, but the only ones that came in Carrie’s size were off-white. So I started thinking, “Well, honestly, I could make one of those.” And then I thought, “Wait a minute, I did make one of those!”


All it needed was buttons. Remember when I posted about the buttons choices two years ago? I wasn’t in love with either choice, but I was determined to just sew buttons – any buttons – on the sweater. I couldn’t find either set of those buttons, but I did find that my button box had gained four of the perfect size, color and style buttons sometime in the last two years. Carrie watched me sew them on excitedly, and was more than willing to let me put the sweater on her when I was done. It fits perfectly, and Carrie loves it!

Jump, Snore and Fly!

Carrie figured out how to jump yesterday – a real, coordinated, both feet off the floor jump. Then she practiced jumping around the house counting backwards from 10 to 1. She knew it was a new thing, too, because when we went to Grandma and Grandpa’s house for dinner I told her to show them her new trick, and she started jumping.

Bedtime has been fun lately. We tuck Carrie in with her binkies and loveys, and as we walk out the door she starts fake snoring. It’s all I can do to get out of her room without cracking up.

Carrie’s imagination seems to have taken off in the past week or so. She pretends to be a caterpillar crawling, a kangaroo hopping, a dog wagging her tail, an owl hooting and an elephant stomping – sometimes all at the same time! Her “babies” (which include everything from a rag doll to a ronald mcdonald little people dude) are fed, diapered, bathed and rocked to sleep. She imagines that Leah and Alex, the kids in her Signing Time videos, are her friends that we can call and talk to. She “talks” to Poppy on her play phones regularly. The other day she had an oddly shaped green bean and said it was a fish, and fed the fish another green bean. We never used the airplane game to get her to eat – we never had to, since she eats everything! – but now all on her own she’s started playing airplane with her food.

It so cliché, but I think this is my favorite age so far.