Where did my baby go? This little girl insisted on sliding down the stairs by her “self!” this morning:

So I had to grab my camera and take her picture!
Where did my baby go? This little girl insisted on sliding down the stairs by her “self!” this morning:
Ugh. I either have a summer cold or allergies. Either way, it sucks. I’ve been trying to be productive – cleaning the house, sorting through boxes in my craft room – but my head is just too heavy for my body right now. Sitting down and knitting is about as much effort as I can expend, and I even find myself staring off into space with my knitting stuck mid-row.
This is not a good way to be when your full-time occupation is watching a bundle of toddler energy. I feel like the worst mom ever, since Carrie watched a whopping 2 hours of TV today – a whole episode of Sesame Street and *two* Signing Time DVDs. It was a choice between that and letting her have free access to the snack cupboard and the play-doh. I think I made the right decision.
Now off to go stare into space knit some more. Did I mention I have 7 Christmas gifts done as of today? I think it’s only fair that I knit for myself some now, isn’t it?
Carrie knows the Cheerios logo so well that when I decided to pick up a box of their new fruity Cheerios today at Target, she started shouting “Cheerios!” excitedly as soon as she saw the box. The box looks completely different (colors, size, images) from our standard multi-grain Cheerios, except for the name written across the box in the same font.
Yep, that branding stuff really works. My nearly-two-year-old can pick a box of any flavor Cheerios out of a line-up of other cereals. I’m not sure if I should be happy or worried about that…
I joined the Sock-A-Month 2 Knit-along last week. I figured, since I’m knitting socks anyway, it might be fun to try to challenge myself to finish a pair a month. I don’t know if I’ll manage to knit a whole pair of socks every month, but it would be a good way to get through some of my sock yarn stash!
I’ve actually already completed August’s socks, but they’re a surprise for somebody, so no pictures. At the rate I’m going, my Jaywalker socks may actually be finished for September: I’m most of the way through the gusset on the first sock, and then it’s just a few inches of foot and a toe! (And, of course, the second sock…) I’m really hoping I have enough of the yarn left to squeeze out a pair of munchkin-sized socks, because I bought Carrie an adorable outfit from Gymboree that’s all the same colors. Hm, maybe those could be the October socks?
Massive cleaning is underway over here. We’re (finally) finishing converting the upstairs office into a guest room, the basement family room into a family room/office, the bedroom into a bedroom/weight room, and the craft room into…something approaching a clean craft room.
There are boxes of things I need to sort through. I won’t frighten anyone with a picture of how many boxes, but I don’t think Denis really understood exactly how much stuff I have in that room until today. (He tried to tell me I couldn’t buy any more yarn until I knit everything I had. Obviously, the man doesn’t understand the rules of stashing. I told him he should read Yarn Harlot. He said I had to own more yarn than she does. I seriously doubt it.) In my own defense, a fair amount of the contents of the boxes is stuff that doesn’t belong in my craft room in the first place – over the past two years it had become the catch-all room for anything that didn’t have a home but needed to be put somewhere – but instead of sorting before boxing I decided I’d go through it all later. The priority was getting the bed out of there and into the guest room.
Under the bed, I had two under-bed storage boxes with fabric in them. I poked through them briefly before dinner and found this:
What on earth do I do with it now?
Dear Carolyn,
You’ve grown up so much in this past month it’s hard to believe! When I put your hair up in pigtails I swear you look about three, and with your language skills you might pass for that! Honestly, your manners are generally better than most adults’ are – you say “please”, “thank you”, “sorry”, “bless you” and “excuse me”, generally unprompted, and are even starting to remember to cover your mouth when you sneeze.
Gradually over this month you’ve gotten over your bath phobia and you’re starting to be interested in the potty again, but you’ve picked up my spider phobia and a mean case of toddler OCD. I don’t know whether to laugh, cry, or scream when, for the 27th time during lunch, the dog licks your chair and you beg for a “nakkin” so you can “clean up the chair!” The thing is, if you just didn’t tease the dogs with your food and yell at them to lie down when they already are, they wouldn’t be licking your chair.
We’ve started playing with playdough. You like to cut the dough with the little plastic knife it came with. When we color or draw you insist on having me draw babies and dogs. Every page in your sketchpad and the various dollar-store coloring books you have has several smiley-faced babies and floppy-eared dogs.
I think you may have a crush on one of your playgroup friends, Luke. You know all the kids’ names, and are always very excited to talk about them on the way to playgroup, but the name you say first and most often is Luke. We’re invited to his birthday party next month, and since you’ve started to “get” what birthdays are about I’m sure you’ll have a great time. Since Henry’s party last weekend, whenever you see a cake with a candle in a book you say “happy birthday”, blow out a pretend candle, and then clap your hands. I imagine you’ll be thrilled with your birthday this year, since I’m planning to make a Blue’s Clues cake – your other major TV habit. (It sounds like I let you watch TV all day, but really I try to limit you to 1 episode of Sesame Street OR a Blue’s Clues episode a day – your choice. Some days you have a really hard time deciding, and other days you still want to watch Signing Time.)
You have 15 teeth now. The bottom right canine still has to make an appearance, and your big back molars haven’t come in yet. I’ve been bad about keeping track of which teeth came in when, so your baby book may be full of guesses once I finally get around to filling it in!
Love, Mommy
Uh-oh. Apparently, starting my Jaywalker socks on Saturday was a Bad Idea. Now I have a really bad case of start-itis. So far I’ve managed to channel it into just making a dishcloth:
In order to make progress on the ever-tedious second sock, I’ve been “bargaining” with myself – as in I can work on the dishcloth or my socks after I knit 15 rows on the gift socks. This is working so far, and I’m only 15 or so rows away from the cuff on that second sock.
And last week I picked up a UFO from my craft room, one I’d never actually documented. Remember the orange laceweight yarn I purchased at Rhinebeck three years ago? Six months later I started making a lace shawl out of that while we were in Italy. Then it ended up in the pile of UFOs when I started all the baby knitting.
I’ve decided that instead of beating myself up over my inability to focus on one project at the moment, I’ll cut myself some slack and keep four projects in my current rotation:
(Note that this only applies to knitting. Any sewing projects are over and above this list, and always have been.)
This morning I tried out the incline treadmill at the gym. The trainer wants me to walk at a 30° incline for 20 minutes at 2 miles per hour. Hah! I managed to alternate between 10° and 15°, with a minute or so of 20° thrown in there – all at 2 miles per hour at least. But I walked for 25 minutes, burned 186 calories, and ascended the equivalent of 407 vertical feet over .79 miles. Think I’m ready to climb Mt. Everest? Kidding!
And then, because I hadn’t punished my legs enough, I suggested we walk to the playground at the school after dinner. So I felt justified in splitting a strawberry italian ice with Carrie when we got home. ;)
A year ago, Carrie had no teeth. Now look what she can do!