Snowmen in June

I’m still up because I can’t put the snowman cross-stitch down to save my life. (Not even long enough to take an updated picture!) I suppose I should be happy, because at this point I think I might have enough momentum to get through the project before I get distracted by something else. (Say, the leg of the second falling leaves sock.) There’s just one more largish snowman to stitch and a few buttons to add. There’s also a smaller section that says “Snow! Snow! Snow!” that hangs in a separate part of the frame (this was a kit) below the snowmen. (That part is guaranteed to make this project hide in the closet for another few years, since it’s all one color. Ick!)

If I can ever put it down long enough to take another picture, I’ll let you all know.

I HATE Garage Sales!

There. I said it. I know you can get great things for cheap at garage sales. I’m not bashing used stuff at all – I buy consignment clothes for Carrie and things off ebay all the time. But I’ve been trying to find a toddler-sized slide or climbing thing at a garage sale for a few weeks now. I usually get there 5 minutes after something like that sold – even when I manage to get to the sale before it technically opens. This morning I got to one at 8:30 that was advertised for 9, and the lady said someone was there before 7. Crazy.

Anyway, in my quest to not spend $40 on a slide, I’ve bought a $10 baby gate, a $2 ride-on toy, a $3 lego duplo table (that’s something I’m actually quite pleased with), a $2 “popper” kids lawnmower, a $3 toddler camp chair, a $3 Blue’s Clues game, a $.10 Blue stuffed animal, a $1 copy of Corduroy…I think we’re up to almost $25 already, right? And I’m sure I’ve forgotten some other “bargains” that I never would have bought if I weren’t trying to find a used slide.

So, considering that my time and sanity are worth something, we just drove out to Toys ‘R’ Us and bought the blasted slide. At least I know if I decide to sell it at a a garage sale in a few years it will be the first thing to go!

Booty Boost

Since Carrie has decided that she’s too big to sit in her high chair anymore (although sometimes she still randomly decides to) I thought I should get her a booster seat. Not anything that looks like a “baby” booster seat, with straps and a tray, just something to make it easier for her to reach the table.

In my online travels (I seriously buy more stuff online than at stores now – what did we do before the internet?) I found the leachco booty boost. We just got it yesterday. I think Carrie likes it (please ignore my really messy kitchen in the background):


Aside from the cute name, this particular booster has a strap to attach it to the chair and a waist strap for the kid. So far it’s working out well, we’ll have to see how truly washable it is since it’s fabric over polystyrene beads. Supposedly it can go right in the washer and dryer, but I’m suspecting that it won’t look so fabulous after that. Eh. For $20, if she’ll sit in it instead of standing on a kitchen chair, I guess it doesn’t matter how stained it gets.

Ten Carries

I asked Carrie a few times this morning how many doggies she had, and she counted to two each time. So I was beginning to think she might be starting to “get” counting as more than just reciting numbers. Then we had this exchange:

Me: Carrie, how many Mommys do you have?
Carrie: One…two!
Me: Two?!? That’s silly, you only have one Mommy! How many Daddys do you have?
Carrie: One…two!
Me: Two?!? That’s silly, you only have one Daddy! How many Uncle Michaels do you have?
Carrie: One…two…three!
Me: Nooooo, there’s only one Uncle Michael! Carrie, how many Carries are there?
Carrie: One…two…three…four…five…six…seven…eight…nine…ten!
Me: Ten Carries, huh? That explains why Mommy’s always so tired from chasing you!

I guess she’s not quite ready for calculus…

Fossils For Dinner

I was at a restaurant in the mall today for our monthly book club – we didn’t even try to talk about the book this time, we just spent the whole two hours chatting about kids, husbands, doctors and food – and I noticed a soon-to-open restaurant called Bonefish Grill. Apparently, it’s a chain. Looking at their menu online, it will probably have very tasty food, especially since I like fish.

But…Bonefish Grill? It sounds like you’re going to get a plate with a fossilized fish on it! Mmm. Fossils. It’s what’s for dinner.

I’m Cheating

So much for project monogamy. I still have only the toe of the second falling leaves sock done, because I’ve abandoned it in favor of…a snowman cross-stitch?!? (I’ll update the picture when it’s time to scroll it again.)

See, I saw a picture on someone’s knitting blog (can’t recall whose, sorry) of their abandoned and rediscovered cross-stitch, and I thought, “hey, I’ve got a few really nice abandoned cross-stitch projects, maybe I should just get one out for when I finish the socks.” And then it got hot, so I didn’t feel like knitting a wool sock. And now I’m obsessed with snowmen.

Don’t worry, I’m sure it will be abandoned for another year or two soon, but I may as well take advantage of my current interest in the project and get as much done as I can before then! And then, I promise, I’m back to one project at a time, starting with that second sock!!!

“I Dressed Myself Today”

I swear I had absolutely nothing to do with this outfit. She picked it out. She put it on (with a tiny bit of help). The only thing I did was take off the skirt for a few minutes and take in the waist a good two inches – it’s an 18 month size but I bet it would fit a three-year-old. The impressive thing is that, while the stripes are hard to look at, they actually do match! I had forgotten she even had this skirt because it was so big when I bought it that it got shoved into the way back of the drawer, so I can assure you I didn’t match the yarn colors to it on purpose!

It’s been a rough morning so far. My normally even-tempered toddler (as even-tempered as a toddler can be, anyway) seems to have been replaced with Grumperina. Considering she woke up nearly two hours early, I imagine she’s still tired. Heck, I’m tired and grumpy too, but I’ve had 29 more years to practice hiding it, so I can’t really hold it against her.

And if wearing a very stripey outfit makes her less grumpy for a few minutes, so be it!

Can’t Escape the Guilt

I skipped band tonight. I didn’t actually really want to go all that badly in the first place, but I was going to – honest! But Carrie was incredibly cranky, over-tired from getting up early and missing her nap, teething…the works, and it seemed only Mommy could make it better.

I would have felt guilty going because I was leaving my unhappy toddler, and I feel guilty for not going. There’s no escaping feeling guilty, is there?


I bet I have the only toddler in the whole wide world who, every morning, asks “nail, feet?” while pointing to where I keep the nail clippers and sticking her toes in front my face so I can clip her nails. Now if only she’d do that with her hands…

When Carrie said Murphy’s name correctly today I briefly contemplated officially changing his name to “Mercy” just so I could hear her call him that for a little while longer.

As adorable as it is to hear Carrie sing “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” to herself, it’s way more adorable to hear her sing it while helping a teddy bear touch his head, shoulders, knees and toes.