I feel a little like my knitting has been floundering. Christmas projects, too – I haven’t worked on those in almost three weeks! But obviously something is getting done when I’m not paying attention:

Behold! The finished Jaywalker socks! I’m very, very happy with how these came out! I have realized, however, that I need a pair of sock blockers desperately. Carrie already promised to buy some for me for my birthday, but since she doesn’t have a credit card I’m hoping her Daddy will help her out…
And then there’s this:

A matching hat to the candy corn sweater. Carrie saw me making the little curlies for the top (I’ve added two more since I took the picture) and insisted on wearing it all morning, unwoven ends sticking out everywhere. I’m glad she likes the things I knit for her – I’m going to take full advantage of that while it lasts! Oh, and I only have a couple of yards left of this fabulous yarn, so that’s the end of the candy corn goodness. I’m not sure what else I could have knit to match the set anyway!
Finally, I’m joining the Warm Hands knit-along, because I’ve been attempting to create my own mitten/glove pattern to go with my so-called scarf & hat set. Since I’m knitting mittens anyway, I may as well join another knit-along, right?

They’re mittens with a fold-back top, but I haven’t decided if they’re going to have fingerless gloves or standard gloves as the lining. I’m using stash Koigu to line them (here’s hoping one skein is enough!) and I think that would be thin enough to have full-length fingers. But it would probably be easier to buckle Carrie into her carseat with fingerless gloves. I’m kind of stalled because I can’t decide – of course, I’m nowhere near the fingers, but that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it. As always, this would be a much smoother process if I actually had a pattern to follow! (I just hope I can follow my hastily jotted down notes for mitten/glove number 2!)
your jaywalkers look great and I love C’s hat. the curly q’s are too cute! my 2 year old Allysa will wear her handknits for about 5 minutes, inside. But doesn’t like to wear them out. While my other too (7 & 5) Love them! And are constantly asking for more. *sigh* makes me so proud!
Love the hat – I know a couple of little girls who would love that (including me!!!). Wanted to say thanks for your Teeny-Tiny Felted Bag pattern which I have just knit as my first attempt at felting – I’ve just posted a piccy on my blog.
Have been knitting for years but only recently discovered the world of knitting blogs and I’m hooked!
Love the colors of your Jays! Sweet hat, too!
The jaywalkers look great!
Is that the yarn I sent you? The colours look right, but it’s always hard to tell what they’ll do once they’re knitted up. I love that you’ve made them match exactly– even if I try try try I have difficulties with that.
Also- cutest curlies ever- how are they made? And am I crazy if I want a couple for my hat?
The Max the Dog sock blockers are adorable. If I had a scroll saw I might give those cut outs a try too. Another choice in sock blockers can be found here as well. http://leggycreations.com in case you haven’t seen them yet. check out the gallery.