Buried. Swamped. Overwhelmed. You Get the Idea.

Because West Side Story isn’t enough of a challenge (you know I’m kidding, right?) I agreed to play in the orchestra for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat for another school. I had never seen or heard this show before last week, so I got the soundtrack from the library and netflixed the movie. I adore it. How did I get to be 31 years old without ever having seen it?!?

But, two shows = twice as many rehearsals. Today is only the second day back from winter break for both shows, and I’m already wondering what I’ve gotten myself into. And did I mention there’s a band concert coming up at the end of next month…? At least I’m not the rehearsal accompanist for Joseph, I’m just playing the second keyboard part.

And now, I really need to go practice. West Side Story, that is. Have I mentioned how insanely, evilly difficult this music is? I just got back from the most humiliating orchestra rehearsal of my life – I couldn’t even pick out one line to plunk out just to keep time for half of those songs, and in a few short days the kids are going off CD and I have to play for all the dance rehearsals. Do you think if I put my ipod on repeat for that album and keep my headphones on all night I’ll wake up knowing how to play everything…?

Maggie & Garlic

We took Carrie to Build-A-Bear on Saturday. Her great-grandparents had all given her some cash for Valentine’s Day, so we decided to splurge on something we wouldn’t normally spend money on for her. She loved it! She had a really hard time deciding which animal to make, but wound up choosing…wait, you should really try to guess, because it’s so unlike her…

A dog! (Of course. The bunnies, bears, kitties and lambs didn’t stand a chance.)


She wound up naming her dog “Maggie”. I’m not entirely sure where she got the name from in the first place – maybe the Little People little girl named Maggie? – but she’s been trying to call my parents’ dog Maggie since pretty much day one (despite the fact that he’s a boy, and his name is Cody.)

The little magnetic puppy that Maggie can carry around in her (equally magnetic) mouth? She named that one Garlic.

Don’t ask me.


We bought a new bedroom floor yesterday. It’s sitting in 10 very heavy boxes in our guest bedroom at the moment, and will be for a few more weeks, but it was on sale this month so we decided to get it early. It’s bamboo. It’s gorgeous. I cannot wait to install it!

That new floor is the reason we’ve been hauling all the stuff out of our room. I’ve cleaned out all my drawers and the closet, donated several bags of clothes and shoes, and I’m working on clearing off all the flat surfaces. Before we install the flooring we’re also going to paint – a pretty, medium shade of green, on the bluish end of the green spectrum. I’m so excited. We stripped the truly awful wallpaper and painted our bedroom white before we moved in, but we’ve pretty much ignored it since, 25-year-old carpeting and everything. Since we spend, what, at least a quarter of our lives in our room sleeping, it may as well be a nice place to spend time in, right?

Twenty-Eight Months Old!

Dear Carolyn,

Another month, another bunch of new things you’ve been doing. You’re considering whether or not you really need to nap – which means I’m considering whether or not to go back to work. Just kidding! It’s just that days when you declare “I awake and ready to start my day!” and don’t nap? Those are really long days, full of meltdowns (yours and mine) and long whiny afternoons (again, you can’t be blamed for all of the whining…) It didn’t help that this past week was winter break and all of our activities were on hiatus.


You’re starting to learn how to bargain. Unfortunately, you say the word “after” even when you mean “before”, so when you plead to watch Blue’s Clues after breakfast, I have to catch myself before I agree, since you’re sure you mean you’re asking to watch TV before we eat breakfast. You’re also starting to use the phrase “that’s a good plan, OK?” when you come up with a sequence of events you want to have happen. I think you’ve even been trying to make jokes. The other day you said “blueberries are green, and peas are blue, and bananas are black!” and then laughed hysterically. I’m trying to teach you how to do knock-knock jokes, but you really don’t get it yet. We do have a little shtick though – you say “I’m so happy you are here”, and I say “no, I’m so happy you are here”, and you say “no, Mommy, I’m so happy you are here”…and so on. (Yes, that’s a line from a song off the Blue’s Clues CD. And yes, you’re currently obsessed – and that’s putting it mildly – with Blue’s Clues.)

Lately, it’s been a bit of a problem getting you to sleep in your bed. More nights than not, when we go upstairs to bed, we find that you’ve fallen asleep in the middle of your floor and we have to tuck you back into bed. We’ve been leaving the baby gate on your door open on weekend nights, so when you wake up before us on Saturday or Sunday you can pitter-patter your way down the hall to our room and climb into bed with us. I wish we could start every morning that way! You climb on in with your baby, your binky (or three), and sometimes even your pillow, and squirm in between us until you’re taking up at least three quarters of the bed. It’s nice to know that some things never change.

Everyone warns new parents about the terrible twos. I really don’t think two is terrible so far – and we are four months into it, so I think if it were going to be so terrible we’d know by now – but it is challenging. The biggest challenge is that your moods are as changeable as the weather here. We can be laughing hysterically about something, and then all of a sudden you’re in the middle of a meltdown. The good news is, the tantrums blow over just as quickly – most of the time! I really think they should be called the talkative twos – with all the silly conversations, the mixed-up song lyrics, and the “I love you too, Mommy”s, the house is never quiet!

Love, Mommy

Of Bunnies and Mathematical Oddities

Want to see my two latest finished objects?

On the left, a Klein bottle hat which I knit for my brother for his birthday. (Which was last month, but as he’s been away at school this was the first time I’ve seen him since Christmas break.) On the right, a cute bunny blanket buddy which I knit for Carrie. This pattern is going into my last minute baby gifts file, since it’s even appealing to a two-year-old who’s going on twenty.

The hat, being of the mostly gray and blue persuasion, also works for Project Spectrum. Bonus!

In other knitting news, I finally finished swatching for the future hoodies. Is it bad that US 6’s and US 7’s gave me exactly the same gauge? I guess I’ll go with the 7’s. It will make me feel like it’s going faster since it’s on bigger needles… But before I cast on, I’m back to working on my never-ending mittens. My hands have been cold these past few weeks, and I have no one to blame for it but my own lazy knitting self! It even seems like the knitting gods are trying to nudge me into finishing them, since the needles I’m using to knit my Pomatomus socks – my favorite sock knitting needles! – broke and I have to order new ones.

Happy Snowy Valentine’s Day!

What do you do when you’re snowed in (sort of) on Valentine’s Day?

Make heart-shaped cookies with pink frosting and lots of sprinkles, of course! (Preferably while still in your pajamas. Because why bother getting dressed on a snow day?)

Carrie has become a fabulous cookie maker. Look:
She rolled out the dough…


And cut out the hearts…

Drizzled the frosting…

And sprinkled the sprinkles…

Carrie seems to subscribe to the “less is more” philosophy when it comes to frosting, which I’m not sure I agree with. ;)


When it came right down to picking a cookie to eat, though, she picked the one with the thickest frosting and the most sprinkles. Of course!

Just Call Me Imelda

We’ve been slowly but surely getting rid of the clutter in our house. During the week Denis took off between jobs we made a huge dent in the amount of stuff that was packed into every crevice in the basement. Since then I’ve been randomly cleaning out kitchen cabinets and drawers. It’s actually starting to become addictive to get rid of things.

Today we tacked our closet. I didn’t even take a before picture, because I’d be beyond embarrassed if anyone saw what it looked like before. It’s not done yet, but we do have three very large bags of clothes to donate, another very large bag of trash, and yet another very large bag of…shoes. My feet grew a whole size while I was pregnant, and they haven’t shrunk back yet. Since it’s been almost three years since I could wear these shoes, I think it’s time to let them go to someone who could use them.

I’m almost embarrassed to say how many pairs of shoes are in that bag, and I know there’s a box of sneakers and boots in the basement besides those. Ready? 15. Yep, I used to have 15 pairs of shoes (not including six or so pairs of sneakers and boots) that fit my feet. Now, including every type of shoe from sandals to dress shoes to boots, I have 7. Definitely a better number.

But I did find something sad. Remember my purple fuzzy feet? The ones that Murphy chewed and I spruced up? They don’t fit anymore. I guess it’s time to knit some new ones! With some suede bottoms I could end my quest for new slippers, as someone suggested in the comments of my last post.

Happily, we found quite a bit of rolled change in the bottom of the closet, which will be put towards a fancy new closet organizer so we don’t wind up with such a messy closet again!

It’s Too Freakin’ Cold.

It’s 14°F outside right now. So, can anyone tell me why exactly it would be that instead of having nice, fuzzy, warm slippers, Target would have their shoe department stocked with flip-flops?!?

I need new slippers. I don’t expect that I’ll have a need for flip-flops for at least another 4 months. And when I do, they’ll probably only have slippers and winter boots available…

Pomatomus Socks

I’m probably the last knitting blogger in the world to try knitting the pomatomus socks from Knitty. But, really, what else could this mostly blue (but with a tiny hint of teal) sock yarn become?


I’m still trying to decide whether I love the striping effect, but since it’s relatively subtle I think it will work. This is 1 1/2 repeats of the 22 pattern rows (which is a really complicated way to say 33 rows), so halfway to the heel shaping. It’s really not as hard as I’d expected, but it definitely requires a lot more concentration than my typical toe-up ribbed socks do. (Look, I’m actually even using stitch markers!)

In other blue knitting news, I started swatching for the sweaters I’m planning to make. I’m using my new KnitPick’s needle set. At first I started with size 7 needles, and I’m getting gauge, but I’m worried that when I wash and block the swatch it will expand, so I thought I’d switch to size 6 needles for the second half of the swatch…except. One of the size 6 tips doesn’t actually stay on the cable, the hole that’s supposed to thread onto the cable is too big. Luckily, KnitPick’s customer service is as fabulous as their new needles, and they’re sending me out replacement tips free of charge and no questions asked. So, responsible swatching will have to wait a few days.