Happy Snowy Valentine’s Day!

What do you do when you’re snowed in (sort of) on Valentine’s Day?

Make heart-shaped cookies with pink frosting and lots of sprinkles, of course! (Preferably while still in your pajamas. Because why bother getting dressed on a snow day?)

Carrie has become a fabulous cookie maker. Look:
She rolled out the dough…


And cut out the hearts…

Drizzled the frosting…

And sprinkled the sprinkles…

Carrie seems to subscribe to the “less is more” philosophy when it comes to frosting, which I’m not sure I agree with. ;)


When it came right down to picking a cookie to eat, though, she picked the one with the thickest frosting and the most sprinkles. Of course!

Just Call Me Imelda

We’ve been slowly but surely getting rid of the clutter in our house. During the week Denis took off between jobs we made a huge dent in the amount of stuff that was packed into every crevice in the basement. Since then I’ve been randomly cleaning out kitchen cabinets and drawers. It’s actually starting to become addictive to get rid of things.

Today we tacked our closet. I didn’t even take a before picture, because I’d be beyond embarrassed if anyone saw what it looked like before. It’s not done yet, but we do have three very large bags of clothes to donate, another very large bag of trash, and yet another very large bag of…shoes. My feet grew a whole size while I was pregnant, and they haven’t shrunk back yet. Since it’s been almost three years since I could wear these shoes, I think it’s time to let them go to someone who could use them.

I’m almost embarrassed to say how many pairs of shoes are in that bag, and I know there’s a box of sneakers and boots in the basement besides those. Ready? 15. Yep, I used to have 15 pairs of shoes (not including six or so pairs of sneakers and boots) that fit my feet. Now, including every type of shoe from sandals to dress shoes to boots, I have 7. Definitely a better number.

But I did find something sad. Remember my purple fuzzy feet? The ones that Murphy chewed and I spruced up? They don’t fit anymore. I guess it’s time to knit some new ones! With some suede bottoms I could end my quest for new slippers, as someone suggested in the comments of my last post.

Happily, we found quite a bit of rolled change in the bottom of the closet, which will be put towards a fancy new closet organizer so we don’t wind up with such a messy closet again!

It’s Too Freakin’ Cold.

It’s 14°F outside right now. So, can anyone tell me why exactly it would be that instead of having nice, fuzzy, warm slippers, Target would have their shoe department stocked with flip-flops?!?

I need new slippers. I don’t expect that I’ll have a need for flip-flops for at least another 4 months. And when I do, they’ll probably only have slippers and winter boots available…

Pomatomus Socks

I’m probably the last knitting blogger in the world to try knitting the pomatomus socks from Knitty. But, really, what else could this mostly blue (but with a tiny hint of teal) sock yarn become?


I’m still trying to decide whether I love the striping effect, but since it’s relatively subtle I think it will work. This is 1 1/2 repeats of the 22 pattern rows (which is a really complicated way to say 33 rows), so halfway to the heel shaping. It’s really not as hard as I’d expected, but it definitely requires a lot more concentration than my typical toe-up ribbed socks do. (Look, I’m actually even using stitch markers!)

In other blue knitting news, I started swatching for the sweaters I’m planning to make. I’m using my new KnitPick’s needle set. At first I started with size 7 needles, and I’m getting gauge, but I’m worried that when I wash and block the swatch it will expand, so I thought I’d switch to size 6 needles for the second half of the swatch…except. One of the size 6 tips doesn’t actually stay on the cable, the hole that’s supposed to thread onto the cable is too big. Luckily, KnitPick’s customer service is as fabulous as their new needles, and they’re sending me out replacement tips free of charge and no questions asked. So, responsible swatching will have to wait a few days.

Party Weekend

We were social butterflies this weekend! Saturday was a holiday party with Denis’ new office. The party was held at Casa Larga, which was actually where we had our wedding reception. It brought back some really great memories, and it was a fun party despite the fact that neither of us knew most of the people there. We actually wound up dancing quite a bit more than usual (mostly so we wouldn’t look so awkward sitting at a table by ourselves) and had a blast.

Sunday, of course, was our friends’ Super Bowl party. Jenny took first place in the poster contest, and her poster was definitely fabulous. Our take on a sign that we’d hold up if we were in the stands during the superbowl was a little less polished, but we still won second place:


And honestly, who would have really wanted to be sitting there in all that rain, when they could be comfortably watching the game (and the commercials) in a nice cozy room with lots of good food and friends?

Long Overdue Craft Update

Every year I end up not doing much craft-wise in January, and every year it takes me the entire month to realize it’s because I’m burnt out from doing all sorts of crafts leading up to Christmas. This year was no exception. But I did work on a cross-stitch birth record for Carrie for a bit. And I just finished a girly baby hat for a friend’s new granddaughter.

I also dug out the potential blue/gray/white projects for Project Spectrum:


There’s enough for four pairs of socks there, three of which are cotton blends. And the lone “cake” of Cascade 220 at the bottom of the picture has several friends, which along with a couple of different greens are destined to become zippered hoodies for myself and for Carrie.

Now I have to decide which project to start first. Sweaters? Socks?

Any votes?

First Snowman

Carrie made her first snowman today. She was thrilled. We’ve read books about snowmen, but she wasn’t so much into playing in the snow last year, and we’ve only had snow a few times when it wasn’t too cold this year. Today, though, was perfect snowman-making weather – I imagine the next time we drive around the neighborhood there will be several snowmen hanging around.


I took this picture as she was hugging the snowman and saying “I love you, snowman!” I think we’ll be paying daily visits to our snowman until he melts.

(Oh, and since the snowman is white with a blue hat, he fits nicely in with the colors for Project Spectrum!)


You may have noticed all the entries from the past few days magically appearing suddenly. I’ve been caught in an agony of indecision. I’m sick and tired of not being able to access my own archives, since the Typekey protection that I’m using is only consistent in that it consistently doesn’t work for me (and from what I’ve heard, a few others). I’ve been contemplating my options, and I still haven’t made any decisions.

So, before anyone starts thinking I’ve dropped off the face of the earth, I’ve decided to publish all of my entries, including the protected ones, and decide later.

Shoe Shopping Sucks.

We’re attending a holiday party this weekend. Denis started his new job last week, and for some reason they hold their holiday party in February. It’s “semi-formal” – which makes me think of prom gowns and midnight bowling after, but I don’t imagine that’s what it will be like.

I’m nervous, as I haven’t actually gone out for an evening among adults in years. I’m worried that I will be boring, as the only topics of conversation I really have to offer revolve around Carrie, knitting, and the musical.

I’m also worried that I won’t have anything to wear on my feet. I bought a dress last night, just a simple black dress with three-quarters length sleeves. How hard could it be to find a pair of dressy but not strappy black shoes? Apparently, even though my feet are a rather normal size 9 in regular shoes, they are freakishly wide for dress shoes. I mean, I can’t even squeeze half my toes into the shoe. I went to three different stores this evening after rehearsal with nothing to show for it.

Luckily, Zappos is having a free overnight shipping thing going on right now, so I’m going to go order several pairs of black dressy shoes in various widths and keep my fingers crossed that when they arrive on Thursday at least one pair will fit me. I guess I wouldn’t make a good candidate for Cinderella…I don’t imagine glass slippers come in wide widths!


Today is my “baby” brother Michael’s birthday, and also Lauren’s birthday.

Carrie’s been wandering around singing “Happy birthday dear Uncle Mike-o” all day. Now if only I could actually catch it on video…