Want to see my two latest finished objects?

On the left, a Klein bottle hat which I knit for my brother for his birthday. (Which was last month, but as he’s been away at school this was the first time I’ve seen him since Christmas break.) On the right, a cute bunny blanket buddy which I knit for Carrie. This pattern is going into my last minute baby gifts file, since it’s even appealing to a two-year-old who’s going on twenty.
The hat, being of the mostly gray and blue persuasion, also works for Project Spectrum. Bonus!
In other knitting news, I finally finished swatching for the future hoodies. Is it bad that US 6’s and US 7’s gave me exactly the same gauge? I guess I’ll go with the 7’s. It will make me feel like it’s going faster since it’s on bigger needles… But before I cast on, I’m back to working on my never-ending mittens. My hands have been cold these past few weeks, and I have no one to blame for it but my own lazy knitting self! It even seems like the knitting gods are trying to nudge me into finishing them, since the needles I’m using to knit my Pomatomus socks – my favorite sock knitting needles! – broke and I have to order new ones.